Full text: Executive & formal meetings, resolutions etc. (Part 1)

Stand 108— cont. 
Stand 109 —cont. 
Stand 109 —cont. 
Stand 109 —cont. 
automatically reduced to match the density range of the printing paper. 
Also electronic controlled enlarger operating on same method. All equip 
ments virtually bring the highlight and shadow tone ranges nearer to 
each other without loss of detail contrast. Also displayed is the new 
Cintel-Stanley Automatic Reading Planimeter for automatically measuiing 
acreages on 1/2500 plans. It comprises the Allbrit Precision Disc Plani 
meter fitted with a photoelectric pulse generator by means of which 
rotation of the measuring wheel is indicated on a digital display with 
Activities and Products 
Rank Cintel Ltd.—a company within the Rank organisation—specialises 
in the design and manufacture of high-grade electronic instruments, 
television equipment and vacuum devices. In electronics the company is 
well known for its activities in the counting, timing and frequency measure 
ment fields using digital techniques. It manufactures many other basic 
research tools. In television the company is one of leading organisations 
for the design and supply of television studio equipment for both mono 
chrome and colour. Typical equipment includes 16 mm. and 35 mm. 
flying spot film scanners for 405, 525 and 625 line standards, telerecording 
equipment, slide scanners, studio and quality monitors, control desks, etc. 
Wild Heerbrugg Ltd 
Heerbrugg, Switzerland 
Representatives: Dr. A. J. Schmidheini 
M. Kreis 
Dr. A. Semadeni 
Prof. H. Kasper 
and other qualified professional 
Duting the four years since the last Congress Exhibition, WILD 
Heerbrugg Ltd. has brought out several new photogrammetric instruments 
in response to demands from customers all over the world, and to augment 
existing ranges of equipment. The two main production themes are 
instruments for large to medium and medium to small-scale photo- 
New Equipment 
New instruments and accessories already known to our customers 
STAND 109 
Examination Hall 
Gordon Square 
Third Floor 
The RC 9 Camera with the Super Aviogon lens for super wide angle (120°) to 
photography, mainly for small-scale photogrammetry. 
A high-speed Rotary Shutter for existing 6 in. WILD cameras. 
The BC 4 Ballistic Camera, mainly for recording wide-range projectile 
The STK 1 Stereocomparator for analytical photogrammetry, ballistic, 
astronomic and general scientific three-dimensional measurements. 
The PUG 1 Point Transfer Device for marking and transferring control 
points in aerotriangulations. 
The U4 A Diapositive Printer incorporating the CINTEL automatic 
electronic dodging system. 
The PR 1 Profiloscope for taking profile and grid levels. 
The EK 3 and EK 4 Electric Coordinate Printers, for recording instrument 
coordinates with the A7, A8, A9 and STK 1. 
Many instruments are on view for the first time; these are: 
The RST 2 Statoscope for measuring height differences of in-flight exposure 
The HC 1 Horizon Camera which provides four horizon pictures for 
determination of tip and tilt. 
The E 3 Rectifier with the famous Reprogon lens. 
The SL 15 Tape Punch for use with the Coordinate Printer. 
The B 8 Aviograph, a small cartographic plotter for 9 in. x 9 in. wide and 
super wide angle photography. 
The B 9 Aviograph, a small cartographic plotter for the plotting of detail 
from super wide angle photographs aerotriangulated in the A 9 Wide 
Angle Autograph. 
The exhibit is representative of the precision equipment made in Heerbrugg, 
and covers the range of instruments necessary for geodetic control, photo 
graphy, photographic laboratory processing, photo-identification, prepara 
tion for plotting, and for photogrammetric plotting with automatic 
registration of coordinates. 
The principal themes of the display cover small-scale photogrammetry, 
large-scale photogrammetry including engineering aerial surveys, and 
identification and interpretation. Ten WILD ST 3 Mirror Stereoscopes 
provide ample facilities for viewing interesting stereoscopic models illustrat 
ing these themes. 

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