Full text: Executive & formal meetings, resolutions etc. (Part 1)

For Period 1956—60 Appointed for 1960—64 
Commission I 
Photography and Navigation 
President: J. Cruset 
Secretary: H. Baudrimont 
President: G. C. Brock 
Associate President: R. W. Fish 
Secretary: B. J. Attwell 
Commission II 
Plotting, Theory and Instruments 
President: F. Vanderheyden 
Secretary: A. M. Degraeve 
President: Albert L. Nowicki 
Secretary: Chester E. Kowalczyk 
Working Group: Fundamental Problems 
President: B. Hallert 
Associates: L. Ottoson 
K. A. Öhlin (Secretary) 
President: G. Cassinis 
Secretary: M. Cunietti 
Commission III 
Aerial Triangulation 
President: G. de Masson d’Autume 
Secretary: H. Bonneval 
President: H. Harry 
Commission IV 
Mapping from Photographs 
President: E. F. Gigas 
Secretary (Plans): W. Haberlin Secretary: H. Belzner 
Secretary (Maps): C. Broillet 
Working Groups 
W.G. 1. Cadastral Mapping 
President: B. Lundgren 
Secretary: S. G. Möller 
President: B. Lundgren 
Secretary: S. G. Möller 
W.G. 2. Urban Mapping 
President: B. L. Y. Dubuisson 
President: B. L. Y. Dubuisson 
Secretary: A. A. J. Burger

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