Full text: Records of the proceedings and supplements (Part 1)

August 4 1972 18:00 
Salons Deville and MacKay - Civic Centre 
(The Session convened after a brief wine-and-cheese repast that followed the closing of the technical 
programmes while the Deville and Mackay Salons were converted into a single auditorium.) 
President Solaini presided at this closing plenary session of the 12th Congress. 
The programme followed the Agenda. The Motions and Resolutions were accepted unanimously. 
The session adjourned with its business completed about 19:30. 
1. Motions passed by the General Assembly. 
(To be read by the Secretary-General) 
2. Resolutions of the seven Technical Commissions. 
(To be read by each Commission President and voted upon in turn) 
3. Address of the outgoing President. 
4. Introduction of the incoming President. 
5. Address of the incoming President. 
6. ^. Closure. 

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