Full text: National reports (Part 2)

Photogrammetry in Australia 
The Australian Photogrammetric Society was founded on the 1st December 1965 to ensure that 
Australia was represented at the International Society for Photogrammetry by a representative society 
instead of by an individual correspondent. 
The APS is not autonomous. Initially it was "jointly sponsored by" the Institution of Surveyors, 
Australia and the Australian Institute of Cartographers. Later this was changed to "jointly governed by" 
and then, after very simple Rules of Business were adopted by both governing bodies in 1973, the APS 
now exists "under the auspices of" the ISA and AIC. 
The aims and objectives are:— 
1. The Australian Photogrammetric Society is an organisation devoted to the advancement of 
Photogrammetry in Australia. 
2. The aims of the APS shall be: 
(a) to sponsor meetings of people interested in photogrammetry and to promote 
communications, discussions, lectures, visits and exhibits. 
(b) to encourage research in the field of photogrammetry by creating Commissions and 
working groups concerned with aspects of photogrammetry. 
(c) to circulate records of discussions and results of research. 
(d) to participate in the affairs of the International Society for Photogrammetry. 
3. Membership shall be open to any person interested in the science, application, development or 
products of photogrammetry. 
Full details of the APS Rules of Business were published in "The Australian Surveyor" June 1975 
Vol. 27, No. 2 and "Cartography" Vol. 9, No. 2 July 1975. 
Although the new rules were designed to encourage the formation of active societies and increase 
APS membership there has been no significant increase with membership remaining about 300 and 
limited to two societies, one in New South Wales and the other in Victoria. In the other less populated 
States the situation appears to be that the institutions of Surveyors and Cartographers can satisfactorily 
cater for the people interested in photogrammetry. 
Interest in remote sensing has increased and in 1974 two societies were formed. These are the 
Remote Sensing Association of Australia with activities based mainly in Sydney, and the Remote 
Sensing Society of Victoria. The general tendency is for those people interested in the earth sciences to 
join the remote sensing groups and those interested in mapping to join the photogrammetric groups. 
However, there are areas of overlapping interest between surveying, cartography, photogrammetry and 
remote sensing and many people belong to more than one organisation and some who belong to all 
four! The consequent competition for members, speakers etc. leads to a dissipation of effort and 
resources and hopefully some consolidation may be agreed to in the future. 
Australian Photogrammetric Society, 
Box 1020H, G.P.O., 
Melbourne, 3001, Australia 
APS Federal Executive 
Chairman: S. G. Bervoets R. P. Cleaves 
Honorary Secretary: D. R. Hocking J. D. Lines 
Honorary Treasurer: F. D. Straford J. E. Mitchell

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