Full text: Proceedings of the international symposium on remote sensing for observation and inventory of earth resources and the endangered environment (Volume 2)

Data processing 
The field survey results were coded on a form shown in figure 
2. The zonal distribution figures were calculated by a poc- 
ket calculator and presented on a form shown in figure 3. 
These calculations can be made more economically with a com- 
puter, when working in a city with computation facilities 
eagily available, 
The final results were stored and the land use characteristics 
calculated with a mini computer. A land use pattern map 
1:10 000 was also drawn up. 
Survey costs 
The total area analyzed was 117 km 
The patterning in the preliminary interpretation was done 
by a land use analyzer and the measurement of land and ground 
floor space areas by a technician, 
The field work was done by the land use analyzer and by a 
driver/translator familiar with local conditions (for 
example all the information signs are in Arabic only) and 
post-field interpretation by the analyzer alone, 
The general breakdown of survey costs were as follows 
(US $): 
1. Preliminary interpretation 
=  patterning/analyzer 5 days á 250 1250 
=  measurements/tech- 
nician 25 days 4 150 3750 
total 5000 
2, Field interpretation 
- analyzer 15 days 4 250 3750 
= driver 15 days & 50 750 
(car included) 

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