Full text: Proceedings of the international symposium on remote sensing for observation and inventory of earth resources and the endangered environment (Volume 3)

. HAEFNER H. * ITTEN K., 1976: Snow Studies by Satellites in Switzerland. 
Int. Working Seminar on Snow Studies by Satellites, WMO, Geneva. 
HOFFER R.M. + LARS STAFF, 1973: Techniques for Computer-aided Analysis 
of ERTS-1 Data, Useful in Geologic, Forest and Water Resource Surveys. 
Proc. 3rd Earth Resources Techn. Sat. Symp., Vol. 1, Section A, 
GSFC, Washington D.C. 
HOVIS W.H., BLAINE L.R. + FORMAN M.L., 1971: Spectra of Reflected Solar 
Energy 0,4 to 2,4 Microns:Clouds, Snow, Fields. GSFC, Greenbelt, MD. 
ITTEN K., 1975: Approaches to Digital Snow Mapping with Landsat-1 Data. 
Operational Applications of Satellite Snowcover Observations, NASA 
SP-391, Washington D.C. 
LAUER D.T. + DRAEGER W.C., 1974: Techniques for Determining Areal Extent 
of Snow in the Sierra Nevada Mountains Using High Altitude Aircraft and 
Spacecraft Imagery. Adv. Concepts and Techn. in the Study of Snow and 
Ice Resources, Monterrey Symp. 1973, Santeford H.S., + Smith J.L., 
compilers,Nat. Acad. Sci., Washington D.C. 
LEAF C.F., 1975: Applications of Satellite Snowcover in Computerized 
Short-Term Streamflow Forecasting. Operational Applications of Satellite 
Snowcover Observations, NASA SP-391, Washington D.C. 
MEIER M.J., 1975: Comparison of Different Methods for Estimating Snowcover 
in Forested, Mountainous Basins Using Landsat Images. Operational Appli- 
cations of Satellite Snowcover Observations, NASA SP-391, Washington D.C. 
MOORE R., 1974: Snow Cover. Paper, Active Microwave Workshop, Houston. 
MURI R., 1976: Automatisierte Trennung von Schnee und Wolken im 
Satellitenbild mit Hilfe von Skylab/EREP-Daten. M.A.-Thesis, Univ. 
of Zurich. 
O'BRIAN H.W. + MUNIS R.H., 1973: Red and Near-Infrared Spectral Reflectance 
of Snow. Manus. for USA CRREL Research Report, U.S. Army, Hannover, New 
QDEGAARD H.A., 1974: The Application of ERTS Imagery to Mapping Snow 
Cover in Norway.ERTS-1 Contract NASA F-418, Final Report. 
QSTREM G. + QDEGAARD H.A., 1977: Application of Satellite Data for Snow 
Mapping. Final Report. Vassdragsdirektoratet, Hydrologiste Audeling, Oslo. 
RANGO A., 1975: Operational Applications of Satellite Snowcover Obser- 
vations. Proc. Workshop,August 1975 Waystation, South Lake Tahoe, Calif., 
Edited by A. Rango, NASA Sp-391, Washington D.C. 
RANGO A. + ITTEN K., 1976: Satellite Potentials in Snowcover Monitoring 
and Runoff Prediction. in: Nordic Hydrology 7. 
SALOMONSON V.V. * RANGO A., 1975: Summary of the Operational Applications 
of Satellite Snowcover Observations Working Session. NASA SP-391, 
Washington D.C. 
SCHNEIDER S., 1975: The Operational Program of Satellite Snowcover Obser- 
vations at NOAA/NESS. Operational Applications of Satellite Snowcover 
Observations, Washington D.C. 
STAENZ K., 1976: Radiometrische Untersuchungen über das Reflexionsver- 
halten von Schnee. M.A.-Thesis, Univ. of Zurich.

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