Full text: Proceedings of the international symposium on remote sensing for observation and inventory of earth resources and the endangered environment (Volume 3)

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From the other projects we will here only give two examples of classified 
Forest inventory at Alanäset 
The first example (Figure 5) is from a forest test region in the middle of 
Sweden at Alanäset. Eight wave length bands - the two UV-bands are exclu- 
ded - have been used. The scene is recorded July 8 from 6000 metres. In 
the classification procedure 32 test areas were utilized. The used classi- 
fication system is given in Table 4. 
Table 4. Classification system in forest inventory from airborne 
MSS data at Alanäset, Jämtland, Sweden. 
1. Coniferous forest 
1.1 Pine, old, growing 
1.2 Pine, old, not growing 
1.3 Pine, sparse 
1.4 Spruce, old and dense 
1.5 Coniferous, young and dense 
Regeneration area 
2.1 Clear cut 
2.2 Replanted coniferous, sparse 
2.3 Replanted coniferous, sparse 
and dominated by deciduous 
. Deciduous forest 
4. Barren Land 
4.1 Wet Land, drainable 
4.2 Wet Land, not drainable 
4,3 Bedrock outcrops 
Agricultural Land 
. Rejects 
The evaluation of the classification results is going on. Control of accu- 
racy for discriminating old growing pine against old not growing pine shows, 
however, that the spectral differences are more dependent upon the ground 
vegetation within the stands. 
Land use mapping at Linkôping 
In the Linkóping area land use mapping 
has been performed by automatic 
classification of airborne MSS data from an altitude of 6000 m - 1 pixel 
=15mx 15 m -. The classification system used in the Landsat study of: 
the same area (Table 2) has been slightly modified. 34 classes have been 
used in the classification procedure, but only 13 classes have been re- 
presented in the color image in Figure 7 showing only a part of the test 
area at Sturefors, Linkoping. Compare with the classification results 
from Landsat data in Figure 4. Last Figure = 
Figure 7: Land use map produced by automatic classification of MSS data from 
aircraft. Approximate scale 1:15 000. Geometrical corrections are not performed. 
Legend: Light yellow - agicultural land, Dark yellow = meadow, Dark green - 
pine forest, Blue-green = spruce forest, Medium green = deciduous forest, 
Light green = hardwood forest, Light brown 
= Young coniferous, Dark brown = 
replanted clear cuts, Light grey = not replanted clear cuts, Pink = bedrock, 
Light blue = lakes and streams, Dark blue 
= reeds, Dark grey = rejects. 

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