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Based upon several years of experience of using MSS data we may summarize
the experiences as follows:
- the availability and overall quality of the digital MSS data from
the Landsat system has been of significant importance for the intro-
duction of computer techniques to the user community
- for Swedish inventory problems forest inventory and land use mapping
seem’ to be promising applications from Landsat data. Classification
accuracy should however be improved,either by applying multidate ana-
lysis, improved resolution and/or systematic use of complementary
- operational uses of Landsat data in forest inventory and land use
mapping will be of significance in Sweden when the improved resolu-
tion of Landsat D will become available
- the airborne MSS data have higher cost figures, more severe geometri-
cal and radiometrical distortions than Landsat data
- as a result of higher distortions classification accuracy for the air-
borne data decreases drastically towards the edges - the scan-angle
- in the central region the accuracy of the classified airborne MSS data
is significantly higher than for Landsat data due to the better reso-
- the airborne MSS data collection system will probably not be important
for operational work, due to costs and distortions. As a research tool
the technique however is useful.
Bertilsson B, Gustafsson L-E, Wastenson L, Akersten SI, 1977: Automatic
classification of crops by analysis of data from airborne multispectral
scanner. (In Swedish) - Svensk lantmdteritidskrift 1977:3, pp 198-203.
Gustafsson L-E, Akersten SI, 1976: Program library for handling and pro-
cessing of remotely sensed multispectral data. - FOA Report D 30055-El.
Hertz H, Orhaug T, 1975: The Ink Jet Plotter: A Computer Peripheral for
Producing Hard Copy Color Imagery. - Computer Graphics Image Proces-
sing, Vol. 5, No 1l, pp 1.- 12.
Orhaug T, Akersten SI, 1976: Digital processing of multispectral data.
-FOA Report C 30079-El.
Orhaug T, Wastenson L, Akersten SI, 1976: Forest inventory using Landsat
digital imagery. - FOA Report A 30008-El.
--- 1977 a: Handling of digital Landsat data and applications in forest
inventory, (In Swedish) - Svensk lantmdteritidskrift 1977:3, pp 178 -
--- 1977 b: Forest inventory and land use mapping by automatic classifi-
cation of digital MSS data from satellite and aircraft. - Report
No 80 from Department of Physical Geograpny, University of Stockholm.