Full text: Proceedings of the international symposium on remote sensing for observation and inventory of earth resources and the endangered environment (Volume 3)

ge, Bl. EL N GEM 
Wastenson L, Boberg A, Gustafsson L-E, Ihse M, 1977: Land use mapping 
by computer analysis of Landsat CCT^s. (In Swedish) - Svensk lant- 
máteritidskrift 1977:3, pp 186 - 192. 
Wastenson L, Borg C-G, 1977: "MSS-75" a Swedish pilot project using air- 
borne multispectral scanner. (In Swedish) -Svensk lantmäteritidskrift 
1977:3, pp 193 - 197: 
Wasteson R, Akersten SI, 1978: PICCOLA -An interactive aid for multi- 
layer digital image processing. - FOA Report C-30143-E1, June 1978. 
Akersten SI, Engstrom B, Lundgren H, Pettersson SG, 1978: Digitizing and 
handling of analog registerd MSS data (in manuscript). 
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