Full text: Proceedings of the international symposium on remote sensing for observation and inventory of earth resources and the endangered environment (Volume 3)

VI Advantages of multitemporal data sets 
What now is the advantage of a multitemporal data set compared with a classi- 
fication of a single Landsat frame ? 
We will try to answer this question quantitatively by direct comparison of 
the different classification results in Table 1. The numbers listed there 
are the percentages of correctly classified pixels within the corresponding 
training sets. If we use the Landsat frames separately, we get the classi- 
fication results given in columns 4 to 8. We see e.g. that in May, cereals 
and root crop are quite well separable and in June some classes of cereals 
become distinguishable. 
But analysis of the 20-channel data set does yield significantly better 
results for all categories. 
VIII Conclusions 
We have tried to show how and how much a relatively simple data enhance- 
ment method will improve the classification result to a significant extent. 
Even if the effort of combining a number of Landsat frames is not inconsi- 
derable it does appear to be rewarding from the point of view of certainty 
in classification and reliability in delineation of the boundaries. 
We have still problems with the finely structures agricultural fields in 
our country; those can probably be mastered when satellite data with better 
geometrical resolution will become available. 
IX Literature 
(1) LICHTENEGGER J., SEIDEL K. + KUEBLER 0.: Methoden zur Ueberlagerung von 
Landsat-Bildern für multitemporale Landnutzungskartierung. in: Bild- 
messung und Luftbildwesen, No 46, 1978. 
(2) EVANS W.E.: Marking ERTS images with a small mirror reflector. in: 
Photogrammetric Engineering, No 40, 1974. 
(3) DIXON W.J.: BMD Biomedical Computer Programs. Berkeley, Los Angeles, 
London, Univ. of California Press, 1973. 
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