Full text: Proceedings of the international symposium on remote sensing for observation and inventory of earth resources and the endangered environment (Volume 3)

9. (A) X-band radar 
and 5, February, 1976. 
The drainage network 
ee heights up to 120 
Figure 3. 
Contrast in radar return signals from targets imaged with a high 
aspect angle (angle between target and impinging radar beam) and 
a low aspect angle and a shadowed zone. High return is realized 
from both the trees and the far slope of the depression due to 
near normality of the beam to at least a portion of the target. 
The area of moderate return is imaged at a low aspect angle and 
the shadowed zones (no return) are areas (representing on the 
image a period of time) on which no microwave energy impinges. 

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