Full text: Proceedings of the international symposium on remote sensing for observation and inventory of earth resources and the endangered environment (Volume 3)

Table 1. 
Categorization of the Oklahoma Agrophysical 
Units into the Type and Percent Small Grains 
APU 1-2 
APU 60 
APU 7 
APU 9 
Less than 5 percent agriculture with most 
counties having less than 1 percent wheat 
or small grains. 
»90 percent of small grains is winter 
wheat except Harmon, Beckman, and Roger 
Mills counties which contain greater 
than 10 percent winter rye. 
>90 percent of small grains is winter 
wheat. In northern counties, 50-60 
percent of the total agricultural land 
is in wheat. 
>90 percent of small grains is winter 

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