Full text: Proceedings of the international symposium on remote sensing for observation and inventory of earth resources and the endangered environment (Volume 3)

The only scene available, corresponding to 27 August 1976, 
able to give information on corn was of bad quality. 
The surface for corn was measured through the difference from 
the maps of all the other groups investigated through Landsat 
scenes and aerial photographs. 
The three maps and the rice map for sample zone no.01 
at a nominal scale of 1:166,667 were enlarged photographically 
and corrected to the scale of 1:50,000. 
By superimposing these three maps a composite map was drawn up 
at 1:50,000. In the latter, plots under 2x2 millimetres were 
eliminated to give the map greater homogeneity and make it 
Results and conclusions 
The maps obtained for sample area no.02 are in figures 
(10),(11),(12) and (13). The inventory drawn from these is given 
on table (01),where the corresponding percentages are compared 
with percentages obtained from statistic data supplied by ISTAT 
(Italian Central Statistics Office) in 1976; these data refer 
to an area about twice as large as the one being examined, being 
small they are subject to unacceptable statistical error which 
means that they lose significance. To avoid this a ground control 
campaign is now under way to discover the precision of the 
result. Preliminary data of thdsurvey show however that the 
inventory is highly reliable. 
To conclude we must say that the methodology perfected here 
could be used in future developments both in the zone where it 
was drawn up (Lombardy Region) as well as in other morphologically 
similar zones.

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