Full text: Proceedings of the international symposium on remote sensing for observation and inventory of earth resources and the endangered environment (Volume 3)

Introduction In view of the sophisticated results available 
in the literature on Remote Sensing and Its Applications to 
Agriculture, the technical content of the paper does not pur- 1 
port to be new or different from them. However, considering 
the fact that no "global" results of remote sensing data ana- 
lysis are available, the paper is believed to be of some rele- 
vance to discussions on the need for remote sensing techniques 
to monitor resources in an “endangered environment? 
The remote sensing project, for which some digital (and 
analog) processing on selected frames was done, originated as 
an &ttempt to apply remote sensing techniques (in & part of | 
Karnataka State, South India) to the study of agricultural 
crops, especially sugarcane and paddy, their acreage and yield 
estimates, detection and estimates of disease-affected areas, 
and general land-use pattern in an agricultural area. 
1. Background A presentation of the results of the remote 
sensing data analysis is inadequate without a reference to 
(i) some details of the agricultural crops under study ; 
and (ii) data acquisition. 
We now give a brief description of these. 
(i) Paddy and Sugarcane are the main crops under considera- 
tion. The following are the growth stages to beclassified from 
the acquired data 
Paddy Code No. Sugarcane Code No. 
Fresh /Not trans- Young A2.1 
planted Al.1 
Well grown A1.2 Young ratoon A2.2 
Mature Al.3 Well grown A2.5 
Harvested AY. Mature A2. 
Harvested A2.5 
The cropping practices in the area of study are as follows: 
Paddy Sugarcane 
July-August July-August 
January-February January (small area) 
Harvesting After 12 months 
Other crops (not considered for analysis) in the area under 
study ere : Ragi, Horsegram. 
Platform : Light aircraft mounted with Hassel- 
blad (EL 500/70) cameras of 80mm focal length, f/2.8. 
Films used : Kodak aerial films (70mm format) 
2443 (Color Infrared) 

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