Full text: Proceedings of the international symposium on remote sensing for observation and inventory of earth resources and the endangered environment (Volume 3)

) 2 
Table 1. Two category classification using the three band data 
Remarks i) 
Table 2. 
srovolts) 3 
of the h 
as shown 
Categories % Correct No. Categories % Correct 
Classification Classification 
AYX.l 100 7 Al.3 88 
A?2.1 0 A2.1 60 
A1.1 82 8 A1.3 0 
A2.2 51 A2.2 96 
Al. À 97 9 Al.3 90 . 
A2.3 0 A2.3 18 (ie. 6) 
A1.2 92 10 A34 95 : 
Abl 90 A2.1 oa (Fie.T) 
AI .? 20 13 A1. 96 
A2.2 95 A2.2 95 
An 2 93 12 A1.4 96 
42.3 95 A2.3 9h 
All the pixels of sugarcane freshly planted (A2.1) 
were misclassified as paddy freshly planted (A3.1). 
However, none of the pixels of paddy freshlv planted 
were misclassified as sugarcane freshly planted. 
Similarly for paddy freshly planted (A1.1) and sugar- 
cane young ratoon (A2.2) ; and also for paddy freshly 
planted and sugarcane well grown (42.3). 
In the area chosen for digital analysis, at the time 
of taking aerial photographs,sugarcane had not reach- 
ed the mature stage/not been harvested. Hence no pix- 
els of A2.h and A2.5. ; 
The pair, paddy well grown (A1.2) and sugarcane well 
grown (A2.3), among a few other pairs, can be classi- 
fied with sufficient accuracy using the three band 
information of the color infrared frame. 
Note that various stages of growth of both paddy and 
sugarcane can appear even in a small area. 
Choice of band pairs for the classification of mature 
paddy (A1.3) and sugarcane well grown (A2.3}). 
Bands chosen % Accuracy of classification 
AY.3 A243 
Blue and green 46 31 
Red and green 40 68 
Red and blue 55 86 
Blue, green and red 90 78 

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