Full text: Proceedings of the international symposium on remote sensing for observation and inventory of earth resources and the endangered environment (Volume 3)

= 177) = 
A list of the forest stands derived from aerial photographic interpret- 
ation that compose each of the three generalized major forest types 
employed in the digital analysis of Landsat tapes 
No. Composition Height (m) Crown Density 
Type 1 
10 Pog Bj 22.5 0.9 
15 Pog Bw; 24 0.9 
16 Bwg Po» 22.5 0.9 
17 Pog Bwy 24 0.5 
19 Bwg Po, 20 0.5 
24 Bw7 Sw3 19 0.6 
30 Bw7 B» Po; 19 0.8 
42 Bw7 B» Sw; 19 3.0 
45 Poy Bwp Sw; 19 1.0 
60 Bwg Sw B1 19 0.9 
66 Pog Bwy 22.5 1.0 
67 Bw; Sw3 19 0.7 
72 Bwg Po; 19 1.0 
75 Bw19 20 3.0 
77 Po10 22.3 1.0 
85 Bwg Sw; 22.5 0.5 
89 Pog Bwy 22.5 0.9 
91 Bwg Po, 19 0.8 
92 ' Bw19 19 0.8 
95 Bwg Bo 20 0.5 
106 Bw10 20 0.9 
Type 2 
21 Bwg B3 Po; 19 0.6 
23 Bwg Po2Bo 19 0.5 
26 Pos Sw3 Bw2 20 0.7 
28 Pos Sw3 Bw2 20 0.7 
34 Pos Sw3 Bw2 20 0.7 
36 Bwe B2 Po1 Pj1 19 0.8 
37 Bws B3 Po2 19 0.9 
40 Bwe Pj3 B1 16 0.8 
73 Bws Po) B2 Bw2 20 0.6 
97 Bwe B2 Swi Po1 20 0.7 
98 Bwe B2 Sw1 Po1 20 0.7 
107 Bws Sw3 B2 20 0.6 

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