Full text: Proceedings of the international symposium on remote sensing for observation and inventory of earth resources and the endangered environment (Volume 3)

However, a summary of the statistical analvsis is given in 
table 4. Significant differences between the most of the test 
ith strips, resp. forest tyme data are obvious. 
S Table 4 
us Comparisons of densograms statistics in the four Landsat - MSS bands and the 
nifer interaction among the six test-strips in the area of study. 
nt Test-strips Band 4 Band 5 Band 6 Band 7 
as 1 versus 2 27,208 s. 15,930 s. 10,496 s. 15,535 s. 
1 versus 3 47,081 s. 31,391 s. 45,920 s. 59,026 s. 
S 1 versus 4 34,108 s. 26,931 s. 19,646 s. 28,388 s. 
ter- 1 versus 5 69,317 s. 36,895 s. 15,978 s. 32,650 s. 
S 1 versus 6 454,009 s. 30,291 s. 19,202 s. 55,956 s. 
that 2 versus 3 25,527 5. 1,466 n.s. 15,956 s. 6,105 s. 
the 2 versus 4 15,059 s. 2,120 n.s. 5,082 s. 1,576 n.s. 
2 versus 5 33,817 s. 4,685 s. 5,184 s. 4,879 s. 
2 versus 6 19,328 s. 2,935 s. 9,209 s. 9,744 s. 
j versus 4 8,909 s. 6,097 s. 12,570 s. 9,863 s. 
3 versus 5 2,346 n.s. 5,204 s. 7,825 s. 1,538. n.s. 
C 3 versus 6 7,784 s. 8,171 s. 1,189 n.s. 16,118 s. 
V 4 versus 5 8,822 s. 11,596 s. 1,005 n.s. 3,590 s. 
E 4 versus 6 2,130 n.s. 1,408 n.s. 5,796 s. 17,541 s. 
5 versus 6 7,706 s. 14,151 s. 44,3318. 8,556 s. 
S. - The difference is statistically significant at 0,01 probability level 
n.,s, - The difference is not statistically significant 
t = 2,682 (table) 
at 92 
D D 
Ag 94 46 
E Readings Readings 
| min. =0.9886 min. =0.506 
C 5 max. 21.1340 max. 20.924 
mean 21.0650 mean 20.7234 
st.dev.-0.0370 st.dev.=0.1364 
A st.err.=0.0050 st.err.=0.0190 
Y fig. 3 L fig.4 | 
0 og 
3 ~~ 0.94 1.18 0.46 0.92 
: density classes density classes 
Fig. 3 and 4 Microdensograms and rel. frequency distribution - band 5 of a pure old 
Picea abies stand (fig. 3) and an old Picea abies/mixed coniferious stand eue 4)

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