Full text: Proceedings of the international symposium on remote sensing for observation and inventory of earth resources and the endangered environment (Volume 3)

Min. 20.6220 40 Min. 20.5640 
Max. 20.7844 Max. 20.8540 
Mean 20.6923 Mean 20.7673 
St.Dev.-0.0420 $ St.Dev.=0.0581 
St.Err.=0.0060 St.Err.-0.0080 
fig. 5 fig. 6 J 
04, = "n 
0.56. 0.85 
density classes density classes 
Readings Readings 
50 Min, 20.5060 Min. 20.6858 
Max. 20.7380 Max. 20.8714 
Mean 20.6236 40 Mean 20.7821 
St.Dev.=0.0 580 St.Dev.=0.0424 
$ St.Err.-0.0080 St.Err.-0.0060 
fig. 7. 4 fig. 8 
9:53 0.74 9 
0.67 0.91 
density classes density classes 
fig. 5 - 8 Microdensograms and rel. frequency distribution - band 5 of an old mixed 
deciduous stand (fig. 5), an old mixed forest stand (fig. 6) a middle aged mixed- 
deciduous / Pinus silvestris stand (fig. 7), and a middleaged mixed-deciduous stand. 
The problems and (possible) successes in separating the different 
forest types are summarized in the cluster analysis illustrated 
in figure 9 and 10. These clusters are based on analysis carried 
out with statistical significance of 70% By using higher levels 
of significance the clusters become bigger and more overlapping. 
The software for this analysis has been developed bv G.Lange 
as part of the FIPS (Freiburger Image Processing System).

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