Full text: Proceedings of the international symposium on remote sensing for observation and inventory of earth resources and the endangered environment (Volume 3)

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Pigure 6(ii) 
Figure 6 —- Comparative interpretation results mapped at a common scale of 
1:50,000 - (6a) 1958 panchromatic black-and-white aerial photography 
at 1:40,000; (6b) 1974 Landsat data processed by computer analysis 
and (6c) 1915/16 high altitude aerial photography at 1:70,000, 
Note the lack of detailed information in the Landsat computer 
analysis in 6(ii). 
Legend 1: (Lophira test area) Legend 2: (Tama Forest Reserve 
Wet cultivation vin, Test Area) 
wet grassland =) High dense forest (/// 
and wet low bush/sedge C. ) High open forest ( 
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Figure T: 
Sample ar 

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