Full text: Proceedings of the international symposium on remote sensing for observation and inventory of earth resources and the endangered environment (Volume 3)

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Stewart, G.A, (1964) 
Draeger, W.C. et al (1977) 
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Pettinger, LeRe (1972) 
FAO (1976) 
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The use of side looking airborne radar imagery 
for tropical forest surveys, FAO, Rome, Italy. 
High flight aerial photogrephy for 
reconnaissance land evaluation. 1st National 
Remote Sensing Seminar paper; Freetown, 
Sierra Leone. 
Explanatory notes to the land limitation 
and agricultural use potential map of Papua 
New Guinea, CSIRO, LeR. Series No.36; 
Canberra, Australia. 
A reconnaissance appraisal of the land 
systems of Sierra Leone for agricultural 
purposes. FAO/UNIP-MANR LeRe Report No.1 
Freetown, Sierra Leone. 
A break-through in high altitude photographs 
from jet aircraft, Photogrammetric 
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Analysis of earth resources in the Phoenix, 
Arizona area. (In An Evaluation of Earth 
Resources Using Apollo-9 Ere Ts 
R,N. Colwell et al. Final Report: 
Contract 9/9348). Berkeley. 
Monitoring California's forage resource using 
ERTS-1 and supporting aircraft data. Symposium 
on significant results obtained from the 
Earths Resources. Technological Satellite - 
1.1 (A): 91-95 NASA, Washington. 
Methodology of integrated surveys. 
UNESCO Conf, Toulouse, France. 
The use of small-scale aerial photography in 
a regional agricultural survey. Proc. Tth: 
International Symposium on Remote Sensing of 
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A regional agricultural survey using small- 
scale photography. Photogrammetric, 28: 1 - 15 
A framework for land evaluation, Soils 
ulletin 32, Rome, Italy. 
High flight aerial photography for 
reconnaissance vegetation and land use survey. 
1st National Remote Sensing Seminar; Freetown, 
Sierra Leone. 
Gut, De 
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King, R 
Kowal 9, 

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