Full text: Proceedings of the international symposium on remote sensing for observation and inventory of earth resources and the endangered environment (Volume 3)

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High altitude photography: aspects and 
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Practical aspects of land system survey 
in New Guinea. Journ. Trop. Geogre 21: 
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Aerial Photo-Ecology, Faber and Faber, 
London, 325pp 
Stereoscopic profiling of land-units 
from aerial photographs. Australian 
Geographer 11: 259-68. 
Multi-band concepts of forested land- 
units, 3rd International Symposium 
on Photo-Interpretation, Comission VII, 
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Remote sensing of tropical forests 
with special reference to satellite 
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Oslo, 12pp. 
Identifying mapping forest resources 
from small-scale colour infrared airphotose 
Research Report 304 Natural Resources, 
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A system of regional agricultural land-use 
mapping tested against small scale Apollo 9 
colour infrared photography of the 
Imperial Valley. University of California, 
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Explanatory notes to the reconnaissance 
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Land systems and soils of the Southern 
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Report on tour of duty to Sierra Leone 
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The benefit of multistage variable 
probability sampling using space and aircraft 
imagery. Application of Remote Sensing in 
Forestry, I.UsFeReO. Section 25, University 
of Freiburg, 119.

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