Full text: Proceedings of the international symposium on remote sensing for observation and inventory of earth resources and the endangered environment (Volume 3)

Plans are being finalized to continue assessment of annual mortality due to 
mountain pine beetle during the current field season. Work will be conducted 
in infested lodgepole pine forests in Montana, and in the Black Hills test 
site where refinements in sampling design are being evaluated to improve 
reliability of estimates. 
Ciesla, W.M., J.C. Bell, Jr., and J. W. Curlin. 1967. Color photos and the 
southern pine beetle.  Photogram. Engineering.  33:883-888. 
Ciesla, W.M. 1969. Operational use of infrared color photography for 
estimating population levels of southern pine beetle infestation. Proc. 
Second Biennial Workshop on Aerial Color Photography in the Plant Sciences, 
Univ. Fla., Gainesville, FLA. 77-80. 
Ciesla, W.M. 1977. Color versus color IR photos for forest insect surveys. 
Proc. Sixth Biennial Workshop in Aerial Color Photography in the Plant 
Sciences and Related Fields, Co. Sta. Univ., Ft. Collins, CO. 31-42. 
Colwell, R.N. 1964. Aerial photography--A valuable sensor for the scientist. 
American Scientist.  52:16-49. 
Duggan, I.E., B.F. Edwards, R.L. Liston, and A.R. Stage. 1977. Western dead 
timber pilot study (Phase II). Final report. USDA Forest Service, 
Nationwide Forestry Application Program, Houston, Texas. 57 pp. 
Hart, W.G., and V.I. Meyers. 1968. Infrared aerial color photography for 
detection of populations of brown-soft scale in citrus groves. J. Econ. 
Entom.  61:617-624. 
Heller, R.C., R.C. Aldrich, and W.F. Bailey. 1959. An evaluation of aerial 
photography for detecting southern pine beetle damage.  Photogram. 
Engineering.  25:595-606. 
Heller, R.C. and J.F. Wear. 1969. Sampling forest insect epidemics with 
color films. Proc. Sixth Annual Symposium of Remote Sensing of the 
Environment. Ann Arbor, Michigan. pp. 1157-1167. 
Heller, R.C. 1971. Detection and characterization of stress symptoms in 
forest vegetation. Proc. International Workshop on Earth Resources 
Survey Systems, May 13-14, 1971. Vol. II. :108-122. 
Heller, R.C. 1971. Color and false color photography--it's growing use in 
forestry. IN Applications of Remote Sensing in Forestry.  IUFRO. Section 
15. Freiburg, Germany. Druckhaus Romback and Company. pp. 337-356. 
Klein, W.H. 1973. Beetle killed pine estimates.  Photogram. Engineering :39, 
pp. 385-388. 

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