Full text: Proceedings of the international symposium on remote sensing for observation and inventory of earth resources and the endangered environment (Volume 3)

1.1 Aerial Photography 
The photographic camera and the television camera, which operate in the visible 
range between ultra-violet and infra-red are still the most important systems 
in remote sensing for pollution studies (Schneider, 1972). For many decades 
ihe vertical aerial photograph has been an invaluable aid in many fields of 
research and operationa! use. It provides a rapid, objective over-view of the 
environment. The aerial photograph or photogrephic image contains a bigh 
information content and has very good spatial resolution. It also provides an 
exactly-timed documentation of the environment for comparative studies of changes 
and development, The observation that objects photographed in the visible 
region of the electro-magnetic spectrum do not have the same degree of reflection 
led to experimentation with various film filter combinations, using multibaud 
cameras which simultaneously exposes in different regions. The Fairey Surveys! 
camera system, made up of four Vinten cameras is shown in Figure 1. Many 
investigations have shown that vegetation under stress responds differentiy 
from healthy plants in various parts of the electromagnetic spectrum. Of the 
three most usuei iypes of photographs taken by a multiband camera (viz. black 
and white panchromatic, colour and colour infra-red) the colour infra-red film 
has been found to be the most single useful image type for vegetation damage 
analysis. However, normal colour film is able to detect discolouration of 
water caused by sediments and effluents, which are invisible on other film types. 
Therefore, a multiband camera system is often the optimum sensor in pollution 
As most forms of vegetation have high reflectance in the near infra-red region, 
they take on a variety of red tones. This method of enhancement has aided the 
detection of vegetation and its quality in industrial and urban areas, in turn 
determining environmental quality. With a normal colour film, vegetation 
suffering pollution damage can only be separated from healthy vegetation when 
visible crown symptoms exist (Stellingwerf, 1969). However, with a colour iufra- 
red film damage effects may be determined with or without visible crown symptomi 
in nature, Unhealthy, damaged or dying vegetation tends to deviate from the red 
colour towards cyan (Kirby, 1977). Another important advantage of infra-red 
film is the easy differentiation of conifers and deciduous species of trees. As 
conifers are usually more sensitive to atmospheric pollution, this is an 
important extra asset of false colour film. 
In addition, atmospheric scattering of visible and near infra-red wavelengths, 
due to reflection of dust particles, smoke, water vapour, sulphur dioxide, etc., 
does not affect colour infra-red film to ihe same degree as other photographic 
sensors, thus giving colour infra-red a strong haze and smog penetration ability. 
so valuable in studying industrial areas. This capability occurs as atmospheric 
scattering takes place mainly in the short blue-light wavelengths, which are 
filtered out of the colour infra-red images. 
Infra-red and visible radiation are often reflected and transmitted quite 
differently by vegetation and this has led to ihe development of vegetation keys 
used in the interpretation of aerial photography. Figure 2 shows an example of 
such a key used in a project of an industrial area of Teeside, N.E. England (van 
Genderen, 1974). The key allows one to understand how and why the various 
vegetation types, both healthy and under stress, are recurded as they appear. 
Other keys have been developed by Murtha, (1976) ana Stoliinmwerf, (1969), 
1.2 Thermal Infra-red Scanner 
Airborne thermal mappers or line scanners are used to measure the infra-red 
radiation from the Farth!s surface and thus to measure the temperature and 
emissivity. The infra-red atmospheric windows of 3 to 5 and 8 to 14 microns 
are extensively used and the sensor can measure temperature differences in the 
order of 0.59 to 19C. Infra-red scanners can operate during the day or night 
and through haze and smoke.

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