Full text: Proceedings of the international symposium on remote sensing for observation and inventory of earth resources and the endangered environment (Volume 3)

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Study of Pollution at Sea in the Western Mediterranean. 
Symposium on significant results obtained from the 
Earth Resources Technical Satellite-1 NASA SP-327, 
Vol.I. Technical Presentations 1500-5. 
Remote sensing of environmental pollution. Journal of 
Environmental Poliution, 6, 221-34. 
Remote sensing of the Environment, with special emphasis 
on possible applications to the work of the Scottish 
Office. Paper presented to the Scottish Development 
Department, Edinburgh. 
Needs for remote sensing data in the field of air and 
water pollution. Proceedings of the 4th International 
Symposium, on Remote Sensing of Environment, Ann Arbor, 
Large scale colour photo assessment of smog-damaged pines. 
Proceedings of the Symposium of the A.S.P. and Soc. 
Photog. Sci. and Ing., New York,15, 596-606. 
Detection and characterization of stress symptoms in 
forest vegetation. Proceedings of the International 
Workshop on Earth Resources Survey Systems, NASA, 
Washington 108-50. 
Beispiele forstlicher Interpretationsmoglichkeiten 
falschfarbiger Luftbilder. Proceedings of the 11th 
International Congress of Photogrammetry, Lausanne 17pp. 
Detection of wasie water cffluents and of their surface 
spread in the English Chaiwel, North Sea and the Baltic 
Sea, through the determination of the surface temperature 
of the sea by means of infra-red pictures taken by 
satellites, Bochum. 
Remote Sensing in the detection of Vegetation Stress with 
special reference to Dutch Eim Disease. University of 
Edinburgh, Research Discussion Paper No.12 29pp. 
Water quality by photographic analysis. Photogrammetric 
Engineering 40, 927-35. 
Die grossraumige Abgrenzung von Rauchschadenszonen in 
Einfluse bereich des Industrriegebietes um Biiterfeld, 
Wissenschaftl, Zeitschrift, D.T.U. Dresden, 14, 433-42. 
Remote sensing of estuarine circulation dynamics. 
Photogrammetric Fagineering 39, 927-58. 
The Biology of Pollution. The Institute of Biology, 
Studies in Biology No.38. Edward Arnold, London 60pp. 
Water Resources Assessment. In Manual of Remote Sensing 
edited by R.G. Reeves, A.S.P. 1579-1551. 
Ozone demage rucponse of Ponderosa Pine seedlings. Air 
Pollution Control Association Journal 19, 4355-38. 
S0odamage to forests recorded by ERTS-I. Proceedings cf 
the 3rd ERTS~I Symposium, Volume I, Section A, Goddard 
Space Flight Center, Washington D.C., 1357-45. 
Vegetation damage and remote sensing; principal problems 
and recommendations, Photogrammetria 2, 147-56.

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