Full text: Proceedings of the international symposium on remote sensing for observation and inventory of earth resources and the endangered environment (Volume 3)

4. Final compilation of maps Generalisation of information 
obtained during interpretation procedure to the level 
oxi- required by the map. 
During the first step of map compilation it was realized that 
the role of remote sensing data, particularly Landsat mosaics, 
1,000.000 will be important for the following reasons: 
est l.Topographic map for Yukon Territory are complete at 
rencies. scale 1:250.000 and only for limited areas at scale 
2.Hipsometrical representation of relief on the maps 
1:250.000 is very general due to the contour interval 
ncese 200 feet. 
so 3.Geologicalmaps, showing mainly bedrock, are complete at 
es, scale 1:250.000 and only for limited ares in larger 
ska. scales. 
uded 4.Many old geological maps and reports require updating, 
t also particularly regarding interpretation of geologic 
relief structure. 
pre- Remote sensing data used for compilation of geomorphological 
with map included: 
ern l.Set of Landsat images (paper copies) from band 5,6 
he in standart scale 1:1,000.000 
9: 2.Landsat mosaics for MTS quadrangles in scale 1:1,000.000 
) > um 
3.Landsat mosaic at the scale 1:2,500.000 
Interpretation of Landsat data was limited to the conven- 
lines tional, visual image analysis, with the application of simple 
its. optical instruments: a.Set of magnifiers,b. Zoom Transfer 
ering Scope, C.Zoom Stereoscope. All remote sensing data and supple- 
mentary materials were used in reference to NTS primary 
| quadrangles. 
‘ The legend of geomorphological map of Yukon Territory is 
for conceptualy based on the legend for small scale geomorpholo- 
gical map, discussed and promoted by the Commission on Geomor- 
phologic Mapping and Surveying of International Geographic 
ions Union. Basically, the 6th version of the legend, prepared by the 
Commission for Europe, was taken under consideration and 
Je adapted to the regional situation (Legend ... 1975) 
MAP The legend of map combines two levels of information 
Liza- related to the relief: 
eO l.Large complexes of morphostructural regions 
le 2.Groups of landforms, or types of relief, determined by 
the complexes of geomorphic processes. 
On the first level the legend distinguish: 
a.Relatively stable platform on 
Precambrian and Paleozoic base 
al A.Destructive relief on: of Cordillera Orogen 
b.Plutonic Belt of Cordillera Orogen 
ructu- ceEpigeosynclinal Cordillera Orogen 
S well Beyolcanic relief of epigeosynclinal orogenic zone of 
tion Cordillera.

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