Full text: Proceedings of the international symposium on remote sensing for observation and inventory of earth resources and the endangered environment (Volume 3)

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A methodological study is now running for mapping outside the mountains. 
When mapping this region the following points must be considered: 
- The country is mainly forested. Geomorphological objects might get 
dropped due to dense vegetation cover. 
- Objects might have been disturbed by urbanisation and agriculture 
- Geomorphology is not totally unknown 
- The scale of the map should be the same as for the topographical 
map, namely 1:50000. This allows more detailes and anotherdesign 
of the map. 
These types of map must be something of survey maps due to remote sensing 
technique as well as the economic situation and the short time. The mapping 
projects have to be carried out to get a rough picture of the occurence 
of different landforms and an outline of the history of the landscape. 
It is not possible to wait for decades until detailed geomorphological 
maps have been prepared. Both projects are financed by The Swedish 
State Board of Environmental Protection and The National Land Survey. 
The applications of the map can be summed up in the following points: 
- Local and regional community planning 
- Value assessments of the natural landscape 
- Education 
- Research 
The contents of the map can be summed up in the following points: 
- Landforms 
- Lithology 
- Morphometry 
The landforms are classified according to their genesis and relief. 
Landforms in Sweden are largely glacial, glacio-fluvial, and fluvial in 
origin, for exemple morain features, eskers and gullies. Their relief 
varies on a scale of some tens of metres and they are referre to so called 
mesoscale landforms. They will naturally dominate the geomorphological 
map, not only becauseof their abundance but also because most of them are 
readily detected by aerial photo interpretation. 
Smallscale landforms as for example fossil shore lines, boulder depressions 
and other features of less than 2-3 metres in relief are generally 
readily detected in open country but are easily overlooked in forested 
areas. However a knowledge of the deposits, relief and altidude of the 
local landscape helps the trained interpretor to detect features on the 
stereo photos which leads to identification and classification in 
subsequent field surveys. Areas in which smallscale landforms abound 
need to be mapped separately on larger scale, 1:25000 for instance. 
Largescale landforms such as a regional fault line or a peneplane 
usually occupy too extensive an area that they can be included on such a 
type of map. For these a survey map on a scale of 1:250000, is more 
Some landforms indicate the action of present-day processes, involving 
relatively rapid transformation of parts of the natural landscape.

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