Full text: ISPRS 4 Symposium

LANDSAT-3 satellite on Octorber 23,1979 was classified by 
our MDH method. The classification map is demonstrated 
Fig.4 (b) for (1/kq)=40. To see what the original imageries 
are like, one of Band 7 is shown in Fig.4 (a). The city of 
Kanazawa is seen near the center of the imagery, appearing as 
a dark area in Band 7. The dark area appeared in the left 
corner is the sea (the Sea of Japan). A lake is seen near 
the upper center. A extended wooden area is on the left 
hand side. The remainded area mainly on the left side is 
the field . 
Carefully compared with the original imagery Fig.4 (a), 
Fig.4(b) is understaood to have good classification 
An original imagery 
of Band 7 
classification map 
for (1/kq)=40 & a=1.42 
Fi g . 4 
An original 
imagery and 
It is well known that the remotely sensed MSS imageries 
have never been utilized for the various kinds of 
applications without the classification map. It is also an 
important fact that we need to improve the classification

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