Full text: ISPRS 4 Symposium

Shunji Murai and Ryosuke Shibasaki 
Institute of Industrial Science 
University of Tokyo 
7-22, Roppongi, Minatoku 
Tokyo, Japan 
The objective of the study is to propose an automated mapping 
from linear array sensor data in stereo mode. 
The study deals with the following items: 
1) Production of simulated stereo images which will be 
obtained from linear array sensor, by using the digital 
terrain model (DTM) and the corresponding scene corrected 
2) Determination of exterior orientation parameters given as 
the function of time, by using ground control points. 
3) Automated mapping by applying auto-correlation to the 
stereo imagery. 
Computer simulation was done for the test area where the 
national elevation data bank and scene corrected LANDSAT 
data are available. The test area was selected in the 
mountaneous area including high mountaines covered with snow, 
flat plane, rivers, reservoirs and so on. Simulated stereo 
images were generated by computer with a given exterior 
orientation parameters. Two different stereo angles of 45° 
and 60° were compared. 
A mathematical model to determine the orientation parameters 
was developed with use of ground control points which were 
selected in the imagery, and/or attitude and tracking data 
of the satellite. Accuracy of exterior orientation was 
compared for two different stereo angles. Standard deviation 
of residuals ranges 0.3 to 0.5 pixel for the control points, 
while 0.3 to 1.0 pixel for unobserved points. 
Three auto-correlation methods to recognize the conjugated 
points in the stereo imagery, were compared with respect to 
the accuracy and computing time. As the result of comparison, 
minimum absolute Siam method were selected as the optimum 
method. Accuracy of height measurement was about one pixel 
Computer simulation was done for the following variables. 
. stereo angle 
. satellite orbit 
. satellite attitude 

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