Full text: Precision and speed in close range photogrammetry (Part 1)

This volume contains the texts and papers submitted in the prescribed form by 
the due date. It is gratifying that so many authors seem to have drawn 
inspiration from the theme of "precision and speed in close range photogram- 
Papers cover all six divisions of our current interest, although the largest 
group of papers relates to the Working Group on "Analytics". In terms of 
numbers also, the papers relating to "Industrial Construction and Mensuration' 
ae not far behind. Some authors and their fields are familiar from previous 
Symposia and Congresses, but many are new, and there are some promising new 
technical possibilities interspersed with accounts of more traditional 
Inevitably some of the new ideas impinge upon the fields of study of other 
ISPRS Commissions; we take this as a healthy sign, and hope to encourage 
interaction thereby. Commission V, from its terms of reference, has obligat- 
ions to provide for the exploration of common ground with other technologies, 
and to provide a route for the exploitation of techniques of value in Photo- 
grammetry and Remote Sensing. These papers constitute the groundwork on which 
proceedings at the York Symposium will be based, in evaluating the trends in 
development for presentation at the International Congress in Rio de Janeiro 
in 1984. 
J W C Gates 
President, ISPRS Commission V 
London; April 1982 

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