Full text: Precision and speed in close range photogrammetry (Part 1)

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Foreword Y 
The International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing vi 
Author Index X 
Part V/1 
The accuracy of control points for close range photogrammetry 1 
By Y.I.Abdel-Aziz. 
Underwater analytical photogrammetry using non-metric cameras | 12 
By L.P.Adams. 
Mono photographic tunnel profiling 23 
By H.Anderson and D.Stevens. 
Castle Howard revisited 31 
By K.B. Atkinson. 
A proposed system for underwater photogrammetry from a manned submersible 
camera platform 39 
By R.A.Baldwin and I.Newton. 
Wirtschaftlichkeitsfragen in der Nahbereichsluftbildmessung 
By M.Beckshäfer and H.-J.Przybilla. 
Die photogrammetrische Vermessung der historischen Zentren in seismischen 
Gebieten 62 
By F.Braum. 
STARS (Simultaneous Triangulation and Resection System), a turnkey system for 
close range photogrammetry 68 
By D.C. Brown. 
Preliminary assessment of a new high precision camera 90 
By J.M.Burch and C.Forno. 
Double pulsed holographic interferometry on human beings "in vivo" 100 
By M.de Caluwé and P.M.Boone. 
Precision des reléves photogrammétriques d'architecture 112 
By M.Carbonnell. 
Low cost digitisation of an analogue plotter, to provide speed and 
flexibility for architectural photogrammetry 119 
By R.W.A.Dallas. 
Quadrustational close range photogrammetric system 129 
By A.H.A.El-Beik and R.Babaei-Manani. 
The use of distances as object space control in close range photogrammetry 
By W.Faig and S.F.El-Hakim. 144 
The importance of a rescuable, transportable emergency intervention plotter 
at the preservation of monuments 149 
By H.Foramitti. 
Film unflatness effects in analytical non-metric photography 156 
By C.S.Fraser. 
Underwater 35mm photogrammetric applications in Australia 167 
By J.G.Fryer. 
CRISP: a software package for close range photogrammetry for the Kern DSR-1 
analytical stereoplotter 175 
By H.Fuchs and F.Leberl. 

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