Full text: Precision and speed in close range photogrammetry (Part 1)

The importance of a rescuable, transportable emergency 
intervention plotter at the preservation of monuments. 
Doz. Dr. Hans Foramitti, Vienna 
The importance of such a plotter seems to be a response to 
directives of international instruments such as the Conven- 
tion of Haag 1954, the Unesco-Convention Paris 1972, the 
Charter of Venice 1964, the Declaration of Amsterdam 1975, 
numerous Unesco-recommandations, national legal norms and 
guidelines which include the registration of notion and di- 
mension of cultural assets into the inventory and documenta- 
tion of monuments. 
Because of the extension of the notion "monument", the number 
of objects being subject of research and protection is increa- 
sing. The internationally requested actualisation (concerns 
also the form documentation and the compulsion to permanent 
control of endangered cultural assets as well as to the regi- 
stration of current form alterations of not well supervisable 
objects) leads to the fact that one has more and more recourse 
to photogrammetry as an efficient, reliable procedure with 
extremely short field-work hours. 
Because of a lack of sufficient means and personnel, it is 
necessary to take full advantage of the possibility to record 
photograms for a later plotting. No other procedure offers 
such a temporal descrepency between recording and survey mea- 
surement. The already existing photograms and the photogramme- 
tric inventories which have to be effected quickly in case of 
emergency are very important in case of catastrophy or war. 
The photograms must be saved and conserved quickly by all 
means in such a case, as they contain all information concer- 
ning the appearance and the dimensions of the actual form. The 
existence of photograms has lead to the fact that probably no 
other documents were produced anylonger. 
Should the existing structure be endangered or damaged and the 
local plotters no longer fully applyable due to danger or to 
damage, the saved photograms would be useless during the pe- 
riod of recording. Specially the data indispensable for emer- 

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