2.1 Integration into PHOCUS
The integration of analog instruments into PHOCUS,
the photogrammetric cartographic system from Carl
Zeiss, is achieved by means of
e the DIREC P counter and interface unit on a PC
and the
e A-software for absolute model orientation.
This permits all data acquisition and editing
functions of PHOCUS - insofar as they can be
applied in analog instruments - to be used for 3D
data acquisition. In line with the PHOCUS structure,
the geometric data is collected with the correct
topology and is stored together with the attribute
data in an object-oriented form in the PHOCUS data
base. The data acquisition process is supported by
the PHOCUS panel, a programmable function
PHOCUS and the A-software run on a workstation
platform: either on Silicon Graphics computers
under UNIX or on DEC VAX or DEC AXP computers
under VMS. The software can be implemented on its
own computer to create a PA workstation, or it can
be integrated as a PA workplace into the PHOCUS
multi-user environment. The connection of analog
instruments adds a further data source to the data
acquisition options of PHOCUS, which comprise
P-Series Planicomp analytical plotters,
2D digitizers,
PHODIS ST digitial stereplotter and
monoplotting with the PHOCUS PM workstation.
2.2 Plotting with CADMAP
CADMAP is a photogrammetric CAD system from
Carl Zeiss for digital mapping and GIS data
acquisition, featuring particularly efficient acquisition
and editing functions. CADMAP runs on the UNIX
and MS-DOS platform.
For the operation with UNIX, the DIREC P is again
used as a counter and interface component for a
Silicon Graphics workstation. When operated with
MS-DOS, the PC is equipped with a special counter
and interface PCB. Absolute orientation is
performed by the ORIENT 3D program, and data
acquisition is supported by a programmable function
The connection of analog instruments adds a further
photogrammetric component to the data acquisition
capabilities of CADMAP, which include
P-Series Planicomp analytical plotters,
2D digitizers and
PHODIS ST digitial stereplotter.
2.3 Plotting with MicroStation and AutoCAD
Carl Zeiss offers hardware and software packages
for the integration of analog instruments into the
MicroStation and AutoCAD CAD systems under
MS-DOS. The package comprises:
e Counter and interface modules integrated into the
e ORIENT 3D program for absolute orientation and
e CADMAP/dgn MicroStation driver for MicroStation
5 or
e CADMAP/dwg AutoCAD driver for AutoCAD 12
e Function keyboard
The driver permits the acquisition and processing of
3D coordinates in a MicroStation or AutoCAD
environment. The data is stored in the dgn or dwg
format and output e.g. in the DXF format.
The CAD working environment has been enhanced
by special photogrammetric CADMAP functions
which are not available in the CAD packages. This
includes, for example, the digitization of lines using
tube increments, the continuous display of 3D
coordinates and the cutting, extension, bending and
closing of lines.
The commands are entered via standard and
user-defined menues on the monitor or via a
function keyboard.
3. Upgrading of analytical plotters
Analytical plotters comprising an opto-mechanical
viewer, control and interface electronics, the host
computer and the operating and plotting software
allow the upgrading of each individual module to the
latest standard. Upgrading is mainly centered on the
electronics, the computer and software.
3.1 Upgrading of C100 Planicomp to P2 Planicomp
The C100 Planicomp launched by Carl Zeiss in 1976
and supplied until 1987 is operated by the HP 1000
real-time computers, while the LOOP real-time
computation and control are handled by the host
With the introduction of the P-Series Planicomp (P1,
P2, P3 Planicomp), a microprocessor (P-processor)
integrated into the instrument electronics is used for
real-time computation. The P2 Planicomp is based
on the time-tested viewer of the C100 equipped with
the P-processor and a standard interface (RS232,
IEEE-488) with the host computer.
An upgrac
e P2 elec
permits th
e C100 !
into a
e P2 PI
P2 Planic
e P-soft
e P-softw
on a MS-I
This mea
original C
and comp