Full text: Systems for data processing, anaylsis and representation

1. Introduction 
The purpose of this paper is to explain the 
integration of WILD AVIOLYT analytical 
photogrammetric instruments into the con- 
cept of the Photogrammetric Workstation 
by upgrading their hardware and software. 
Chapter 2. gives a brief description of the 
Workstation concept and refers to previous 
publications on that topic. Chapter 3. ex- 
plains all details of the upgrade. 
2. The Leica Photogrammetric 
The Leica Photogrammetric workstation is 
designed to provide complete analytical 
solutions for 3D data capturing. Its hard- 
ware and software concept enable users to 
perform all necessary steps to obtain 3D 
data in various CAD or GIS systems. This 
concept is now implemented on the WILD 
AVIOLYT family of analytical instruments, 
without removing their typical features. 
2.1 Hardware Components 
The Leica Photogrammetric Workstation 
Concept supports various analytical instru- 
ments (Refer to Fig. 1): 
e the stereo digitisers SD2000 and 
SD3000 (in the following referred to as 
e the upgraded Kern DSR instruments (in 
the following referred to as DSR); 
e the upgraded BC line of WILD AVIO- 
LYT instruments (referred to as BC). 
Only the BC will be covered in this pa- 
per because the upgrades of the other 
WILD analytical instruments are not yet 
definite: an S9-AP upgrade is possible 
as well, but this might not be interesting 
for most of the S9 users. And the possi- 
bility of an AC1 upgrade is not yet sure 
(Feb. 1994). 
All instrument types are controlled from a 
DOS PC, the Leica Mapping Terminal 
(LMT). Various host platforms may be con- 
nected to the LMT by serial communication 
to allow users to work on applications they 
prefer. Leica offers GlS/Mapping applica- 
tion software on PC-DOS, PC-Unix and 
VAX-VMS platforms. Moreover, there are 
other companies that provide application 
software connected to the LMT. 
The SD line can optionally be equiped with 
the raster graphics based superimposition 
system COLORISS, available in mono and 
A superimposition system for the DSR in- 
struments, which is conceptually identical 
to COLORISS (but probably monochrome), 
is under development. Since the concept of 
LMT integrates the superimposition inde- 
pendently from the type of instrument, the 
same superimposition system may be inte- 
grated into the BC environment. However, 
the implementation has not yet been de- 
cided (Feb. 1994). It will depend on cu- 
stomer's request. 
2.2 The LMT Software Concept 
The central unit of the LMT is the real time 
program (RTP'), which is the same pro- 
gram for all instruments. It handles the real 
time loop operations, provides a general in- 
terface to host application software for 3D 
digitising and a user interface for an easy 
change of real time loop parameters or 
hardware settings, e.g. the speed of the 
stages or the illumination of photographs 
on SD instruments. 
For more details about the concept see 
(Cogan, Hinsken 1992) and (Hinsken, Meid 
1993); for detais focusing on close range 
photogrammetry and superimposition see 
(Hinsken, Meid 1993). 
1 the AVIOLYT Upgrade is running with version 2.0 of RTP or later 

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