Full text: Systems for data processing, anaylsis and representation

Table 2: Multispectral module parameters 
four CCD line detectors FAIRCHILD CCD 191 
pixel size 10x10 um 
number of pixel 6000 pixel/line 
spectral range 440 - 505 nm 
530 - 575 nm 
645 - 680 nm 
770 - 810 nm 
focal length 220 mm 
radiometric resolution 8 bit 
geometric resolution 13.2 m 
(296 km altitude) 
The spectral module consists of four CCD line detec- 
tors of the same type, but its spectral sensitivity was 
optimized to provide a good vegetation discrimination. 
Originally it was planned to obtain a resolution of 8.8 
m but last minute data rate constraints did not allow 
for. Because of these constraints it is also impossible to 
record in all seven channels simultaneously - the ma- 
ximum data rate is about 100 Megabit per second. In 
order to be able to manage the high data rates data 
compression takes place from the original 7 to 6 bits 
especially for the high resolution channel. For that rea- 
son the MOMS02 camera is to be operated by different 
data take modes. 
Figure 3 shows how the camera is mounted onto a 
hardware bridge which is fixed in the cargo bay of the 
Space Shuttle. Next to the MOMS02 camera the data 
recorder is located which allows image data recording 
onto a high density tape of more than 5 h data take 
Container (CON) 
Optic Module (0M) 
Logic Box (LB) 
Fig. 3: MOMS02 camera and recorder mounted onto a 
hardware bridge 
During the D2 mission last year image data could be re- 
corded within a latitude of +-28.5 degrees. The weight 
of the Spacelab was about 6000 kilograms, therefore 
the Space Shuttle was not able to have a steeper inc- 
lination. The dotted lines in figure 4 indicate the gro- 
und tracks of the Space Shuttle, especially those where 
data takes could be taken. During the D2 mission the 
MOMS02 Science Team was in close contact with the 
shuttle to have control on the data takes dependent on 
the wheather conditions which were available in real- 
time in the German Space Operation Centre (GSOC) 
Oberpfaffenhofen (near Munich). 
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Fig 4: Ground tracks of MOMS02 data takes (from 
DLR 1993) 
As indicated by table 3 altogether 48 data takes were 
made: 10 in normal stereo mode, 5 in an by 30 deg in- 
clined stereo mode, 13 in combination of the high re- 
solution panchromatic channel with the multispectral 
channels, and other combination as indicated. The to- 
tal recording time exluding calibration was about 4 1/2 
h with a total area coverage of approximately 7 Million 
Table 3: MOMS02/D2 mode distribution 
mode 1 (stereo 6/7, HR) 10 
mode 1 30 deg (stereo 6/7, HR) 5 
mode 2 (MS 1/2/3/4) 12 
mode 3 (MS 3/4, stereo 6/7) 7 
mode 4 (MS 1/3/4, stereo 6) - 
mode 5 (MS 1/3/4, stereo 7) 1 
mode 6 (MS 2/3/4, HR) 13 
mode 7 (MS 1/3/4, HR) - 
A quicklook of a scenery taken over the northern part 
of India is given by figure 5. In this image only every 
5th pixel is 
4. MOMS 
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