Full text: Systems for data processing, anaylsis and representation

mercial DBMS systems) and data conversion appli- 
2.2.2 Delta-X Operation 
Clients' data - typically maps - can come in different 
source formats, such as CARIS or ARC/INFO, and 
from different source systems, such as UNIX work- 
stations or PCs. A client stores data which it wants 
to share with other clients on one of the servers in 
the federation, where it can be accessed by other cli- 
ents. A server is essentially a database server which 
is also capable of converting data from client into an 
internal Delta-X format and vice versa, and store the 
converted data in its database. When another client 
wishes to import this data, the Delta-X server trans- 
lates the data into the target client’s format and 
transfers the data to the target client. The target for- 
mat can be any common GIS format and the target 
machine can be either a UNIX workstation or a PC. 
A server handles requests both from clients and 
from other servers in the federation. A transaction 
starts on one server. However, it may migrate to 
another server to complete a conversion from one 
data format into another, or to finish a data transfer. 
When a GIS wants to import or export data to Delta- 
X, it relinquishes control to the Delta-X client. The 
Delta-X client initiates the data transfer/conversion 
transaction. During data import operations, the GIS 
will use the data imported in the transaction after a 
transaction has been completed. 
2.2.3 Delta-X Clients and Servers 
Delta-X has a client component and a server compo- 
nent. On a client, Delta-X provides a GUI that 
enables GIS users to start and control transfer/con- 
version transactions and communicates with the 
server. On a server, Delta-X provides the client- 
server and server-server communication software, a 
module that transfers data, a network management 
agent, an interface to a database, and a set of data 
conversion routines. The server's network manage- 
ment module facilitates setting of server's opera- 
tional parameters, authentication keys, the 
registration and de-registration of a server in the 
Delta-X federation. It also raises alarms to network 
management when the server malfunctions. À server 
can leave the federation only if there are no transac- 
tions in progress on the server. 
Data on the server can be stored in any commercial 
database model - relational or object-oriented. The 
exact internal format of data stored in Delta-X sery- 
ers is database-specific, but all database servers 
share the same data model and logical schema, and 
they can store the same types of data. The internal 
database schema used at a particular server is trans- 
parent to all other servers in the federation. A sepa. 
rate database interface module adapts each internal 
database schema to a uniform data interface used 
within Delta-X. Conversion routines are GIS-spe- 
cific. Note that the conversion routines and the data- 
base schema are the only entities in Delta-X that are 
specific to geomatic data and GIS systems. 
Note that the clear separation of data storage func- 
tions (the Delta-X server) from data processing 
functions (GIS) in a network not only facilitates data 
sharing and creation of logically organized applica- 
tion-specific data repositories, but it also enables us 
to take advantage of the latest development in both 
of the DBMS and GIS worlds. For example, the 
RDBMS currently used in the Delta-X prototype can 
be replaced with an OODBMS without any impact 
on the clients and other servers. In fact, different 
Delta-X servers using different database manage- 
ment systems can seamlessly co-exist in a Delta-X 
federation and exchange data with each other. Simi- 
larly, Delta-X can support a new type of GIS without 
the need to change the internal data interchange for- 
mat and schema. These features allow different 
organizations with different data processing systems 
and/or architectures to join the same Delta-X federa- 
tion and share data with each other. 
2.3 The Communication Framework of 
The mode of communication between a Delta-X cli- 
ent and a Delta-X server or between Delta-X servers 
is asynchronous. Delta-X supports conversational 
transactions, which proceed as follows. A client 
connects to a server, requests a transaction, and then 
disconnects from the server. When the server fin- 
ishes the requested transaction, or when it has to 
report the transaction’s status, the server connects to 
the client and delivers requested data or reports the 
The main reason for introducing the asynchronous 
communication paradigm into Delta-X is the long 
duration of the conversion/transfer transactions. À 
typical transaction can take many hours to complete 
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