Full text: Proceedings of the Workshop on Mapping and Environmental Applications of GIS Data

model matrix. The mutual relation between 
them is of no correlation (expressed by nulls). 
The conditions matrix (B) and the weight ma- 
trix (P) are defined as: 
ARS a ^ | 
Be 0 ka * " 
0 ( 3nx3n 
P. S rey, od EF 0 b 
0 Yos ground 
The solution provides the  variance- 
covariance matrix of the computed parameters, 
that is expressed as: 
Nd EA cie rc. 
The next step that follows the transfor- 
mations’ error determination, concludes the 
error's propagation and formulate a mechanism 
that generates the measurements SD. By gen- 
erating the mechanism, the accuracy evaluation 
of the spatial data (the observations them- 
selves) and of it's derived applications, is en- 
3.1 Variance and covariance ground coor- 
The ground coordinates' accuracy is gen- 
erated, again, by the variance-covariance 
propagation technique. There are two elements 
that effects the coordinates accuracy. The first 
is the absolute orientation transformation er- 
rors, and the second is the model coordinates’ 
errors (caused by the relative orientation 
transformation error). The transformation on 
which the variance-covariance propagation is 
applied, is the projective transformation. 
A variance-covariance propagation expressing 
those two transformation errors is defined as: 
S nd = H * S MET * F, * MET 
F, - Elements referring to the absolute 
orientation parameters. 
FE, - Elements referring to the model 
The model coordinates component con- 
tributes a non negligible value to the computed 
variance. For example, model coordinates de- 
rived from photographs at the scale of 
1:40,000, contributes about +1.5m to the co- 
ordinates' accuracy. Therefore, as the control 
points are more accurate, the model coordi- 
nates component is more effective. 
The following sub-chapters describe two 
applications of error propagation implementa- 
3.2 Equi-error contours 
Accuracy of data derived from photo- 
grammetric measurements, is usually evaluated 
by the absolute orientation’ SD and is consid- 
ered as fixed value for the whole stereo-model. 
Practically the accuracy varies through out the 
stereo-model in a manner that measurements’ 
SD at the center of the model are smaller than 
those collected near the edges. The error 
propagation mechanism, as formulated above, 
enables a precise determination of the meas- 
urements accuracy, as well as evaluation of er- 
ror variation. 
The equi-error contours, illustrate the SD 
through out the model by presenting them as 
contours. The provided map enables a more 
accurate S 
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3.3 Profiles 
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