er row) and without
ects the step lengths
1orm would increase,
in), and converges in
ion (upper right col-
investigated by ap-
essively more distant
their success or fail-
111 = bii = 97.95,
; = 934.33. r; — 0.1.
tch position a 11,511
starting approxima-
rs were aio = b91 =
values for the radio-
d from the picture at
convergence for the
) and 7, respectively.
oward the correct so-
le the damped algo-
tions. The undamped
inima at 5 occasions.
imped algorithm was
Iness of a line-search
st Squares Matching
1e damped algorithm
extra residual calcu-
t which is more than
ons the undamped al-
or the same problem,
orithm is higher than
er, the repetitive pat-
ased the convergence
is likely to be less of
Figure 6: Pull-in range results for the damped (left) and
undamped (right) algorithms. The bright pixels indicate
for which displacements of the patch center the algorithms
converged toward the correct solution.
Finally, this paper illustrates but one example of the large
potential of combining the theories and experiences of the
two research fields photogrammetry and non-linear least
squares optimization. This potential will be further ex-
plored in the future.
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