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26). 3D detailed
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togrammetry and
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lian Ministry of
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Level Prof. Carlo
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Marco Canciani , Pamela Gambogi ', Pierre Drap
*Laboratorio di “Rappresentazione Grafica”, ROMA, Canciani@UNIROMA3.IT
** Italian Ministry of Culture Ministero per i Beni e le Attività Culturali Soprintendenza per i Beni Archeologici della Toscana
Firenze, Italy, sat@comune.firenze.it
*** MAP-GAMSAU umr CNRS 694, Marseille, France Pierre.Drap(a)gamsau.archi.fr
Commission VI, WG V/4
KEYWORDS: Photogrammetry Archaeology Marine Digital Geometry Calibration Multimedia Web based
Thanks to a new ‘CIPA, Heritage, Documentation’ task group, dedicated to underwater photogrammetry and created in September
2001, three different laboratories have started to work together in order to survey, document and publish an underwater excavation
located off Livorno, Italy.
Two underwater sites have been studied at ‘Secche della Meloria’(Livorno, Tuscany). The first one (Relitto dei Dolia or Meloria B)
is a wreck whose load was composed by dolia and the second site (Relitto dei Marmi, or Meloria C) was a cargo of building marble
The Soprintendenza per i Beni Archeologici della Toscana has started a photogrammetry and three-dimensional modelling program
on the sites in cooperation with Marco Canciani from University of Roma Tre and Pierre Drap from CNRS in Marseilles (France).
These two relevant archaeological underwater sites near the Tuscan coast have been selected for this preliminary survey because of
the shallow and transparent water.
The photogrammetric survey need some particular attention due to the special underwater conditions:
The use of non-metric digital camera (Nikon Coolpix 990 with Ikelite housing) in underwater environment was possible thanks to a
calibration done directly on site. We developed some particular operation in order to minimize the other bad survey condition as
instability, no control point possibility, cloud of little particle in suspension in the water and so on. On the other hand we made the
plotting phase according to the original geometry of elements to be surveyed as we know they are architectural elements.
The restituted model set up an acceptable result from the point of view of accuracy. The final step was the use of the 3D model
(written in VRML) as an interface on the Web to a set of archaeological data coming from archaeological investigation. The choice
of XML as the description language of both photogrammetric data and archaeological data allows us to represent in an homogeneous
way a set of very different kind of data. The bridge from the web to the final user is also easy and convenient and the survey process
is well integrated in a more wide documentation approach.
1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 The presented work
This paper describes an interdisciplinary and international | Even if these two sites look alike from a point of view of
work; author come from archaeology (Soprintendenza per i SUtVey, we are confronted with two different problems
Beni Archeologici della Toscana Firenze, Italy), architectural according to archaeological documentation.
design (Laboratorio di "Rappresentazione Grafica " ROMA) The first wreck (Relitto dei dolia), is more complex than second
and computer science and photogrammetry (MAP-GAMSAU one. The cargo was composed by dolia, and it was not possible
umr CNRS 694, Marseille). They join in the framework of a to find at least one intact, we don't know how many there were,
new ‘CIPA, Heritage, Documentation’ task group, dedicated to and the original form of each is an archaeological hypothesis.
underwater photogrammetry and work together on projects of
survey, documentation and diffusion of archaeological
We present herewith the first step of the project regarding two
underwater sites. Since1993-94 the Soprintendenza per i Beni
Archeologici della Toscana surveyed two important underwater
sites at *Secche della Meloria' (Livorno, Tuscany): the first one
(Relitto dei dolia) is a wreck whose load was composed by
dolia, large globular containers destined to wine transportation
from Italy to the Western provinces of the Roman Empire and
vice-versa. The site is located at the center of the ‘Secche’ and
shows a concentration of wall and lip fragments, under which
the hull’s wood lays at a depth of c. 5 m. The shipwreck is
dated in the first half of the first century B.C.
The second site (Relitto dei Marmi) was a cargo of 13 marble
blocks, weighing in all c. 50 tons, located near the firs one.
This survey and its documentation is about an heterogeneous
cargo, where measuring data co-exist with archaeological
As the first cargo is strongly homogenous, finite (12 elements)
and well definite, we use a very simple technology to publish
the data on the web. Three D model and image map are linked
with HTML pages generated with archaeological data.
The second one, (Relitto dei Marmi), has a cargo of eleven
white marble blocks and one shaft of a column. The cargo
elements are well known as priori. The documentation problem
is only to fill a grid with specific data (volume, dimension,
appearance, etc...).
On the other hand, the technology chosen to represent the
second cargo, a set of dolia fragment, should be able to manage
uncertain and heterogeneous data. We have chosen XML,
linked with a specific survey. This work is already in progress,
you can have an look on it on the web site http:/cipa-
uwp.gamsau.archi.fr .