Full text: Proceedings of the Symposium "From Analytical to Digital" (Part 1)

/1/ Arbeitskreis Numerische Photogrammetrie (1985): Digitale Gelände- 
modelle, München (not published). 
/2/ Makarovic, B. (1973): Progressive sampling for digital terrain 
ITC Journal 1973-3, p. 397-416. 
Makarovic, B. (1975): Amended Strategy for progressive sampling, 
ITC Journal 1975-1, p. 117-127. 
Makarovic, B. (1976): A digital terrain model system, 
ITC Journal 1976-1, p. 57-83. 
Makarovic, B. (1977): Composite sampling for digital terrain 
ITC Journal 1977-3, p. 406-431. 
Steidler, F. (1986): CIP - Ein allgemeines Programmpaket zur 
DGM- Interpolation unter Verwendung der Dreiecksvermaschung, 
Bul 54, p. 5-16. 
Bazeley, G.P., Cheung, Y.K., Irons, Y.K., Zienkiewicz, B.M.(1965): 
Triangular elements in bending-conforming and nonconforming 
solutions, Proceedings 1.st Conf. Matrix Methods on Structural 
Mechanics, Air Force Inst. of Technology Wright Patterson A.T. 
Base, Ohio 547. 
Mann, H. (1986): Progressive Sampling. 
Dissertation thesis TU Vienna, in preparation. 
/9/ Mann, H., Steidler, F. (1984): Progressive Sampling: 
A program for data collection for digital elevation models using 
triangular intermeshing with finite elements. 
ISPRS Convention Rio de Janeiro June 1984 
/10/ Tempfli, K. (1982): Genauigkeitsschatzung digitaler Hóhenmodelle 
mittels Spektralanalyse, Geowissenschaftliche Mitteilungen der 
Universitat Wien, Heft 22. 
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