Full text: National reports (Part 3)

es and astro 
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nd subsequently 
logical stations. 
|! determined by 
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oduced as a 
0, (Recently 
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jereoseopie over- 
iple parallax 
ltory, Originally 
rs. In 1954 
|i Expedition, 
7 taken with an 
intaretie Flight 
Oo0P solar fix 
|i Polaroid Land 
and provides 
"veyor photographs 
in identification 
(n plotted by 
ictermined by 
adar altimeter 
requested by 
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,000 and larger) 
emble the photo- 
imple graphical 
re obtained by 
ssary by parallax 
A typical compilation of an area at scale of 1:50,000 using photography at 
1:40,000 is by the use of Multiplex, This area, which consists of approximately 5 runs 
of photography flown East and West with approximately 15 photós in each run, Horizontal 
and vertical control is established about every seventh overlap and a multiplex bridge is 
obtained between this control, To control the curvature of the bridge, spot heights are 
established approximately midway between bridges, After observations on.the 7 projector 
equipment are completed a graphical plot and adjustment of runs is made, Photo centres 
and wing points are then transferred to 3 projector units where planimetry and contours 
are plotted, The resultant plots are reduced to a convenient scale by a photographic 
Recently, in conjunction with survey elements of the United States Army, the 
Corps carried out mapping óperations in New Ireland, Owing to the inaccessibility of 
the interior a system of taped traverses and ship-shore triangulation was established 
around the entire coastline with intersections of heights on the main ridge of the island, 
The Corps is currently mapping this island and it is the intention to publish complete 
coverage at a scale of 1:250,000, The only photography available is K17 coverage which 
was flown in an irregular pattern from coastline to coastline during the immediate post- 
war years. Using survey control and the shoreline at each end of the runs multiplex 
bridging was carried out checking on any interior heights where available, 
The Corps has successfully applied Multiplex for the construction of anaglyphs, 
In this method the equipment is used particularly when it is desired to produce an ana- 
glyph covering an area of several runs of photography. The model or models are hori- 
zontalised and seleetedpoints of detail are plotted on a trace which serves as a means of 
rectification and scaling for the Wild projector. At the same time they afford a scaled 
value for the colour displacements in the. alternate colour transparencies, 
Multiplex has also been used in assisting the military training of the Army. 
Three projector equipment has been set up near the scene of a tactical:army exercise which 
allows the Army Commander to brief his subordinates in points of detail relating to the 
The photo map is another form of mar presentation which the Corps has supplied, 
These are ir two forms - uncontrolled and controlled, The former is an assemblage of 
photographs wich are matched to detail as best as possible and reproduced with an arbitrary 
grid but without any additional effort, whilst in the latter case air photographs are 
matched for tone, rectified in some cases, and assembled to a slotted template adjustment 
between ground control, Photographs are annotated and a Transverse Mercator Grid super im- 
posed together with the usual heading, foot notes etc, before reproduction takes place, 
Hydrographic Branch, Royal Australian Navy 
The main activity of the Hydrographie Branch of the Royal Australian Navy is 
plotting and charting the coast line of Australia and adjacent islands, Its scope in 
relation to photogrammetric uses and methods is naturally rather limited but as a matter 
of interest the current photographing of the Great Barrier Reef by & Wild RC9 super wide 
angle camera which was primarily undertaken for the purposes of oil search will assist the. 
Hydrographic Branch in the determination of the numerous reefs and channels and the location 
of the Continental Shelf in the northern vaters of Australia, 
Snowy Mountains Hydro-Electric Authority 
With the expansion due to the development of this country after World War II 
the Comronwealth Government realised that to meet the calls of agriculture and industry it 
would be necessary to commence operations on the "Snowy Mountains Scheme", This project 
which had been advocated in the past, was for the utilisation of water and hydro-electric 
power running to waste in the Snowy Mountains area of southern New South Wales, 
In 1949 the Snowy Mountains Hydro-Electric Authority was established to under- 
take the necessary constructions to provide hydro-electric power and a controlled water 
supply for irrigation on the dry inland plain country of south-eastern Australia, 
To enable the planning, investigation and design of the numerous erg ineering 
projects for a scheme of this magnitude a photogrammetric section was formed within the 
organisation of this Authority. 
A summary of their photogrammetric activities is given in Annexure D. 
State Government Departments 
Generally the activities of each State Lands Department follows the same 
At the conclusion of World War IT it soon became apparent to the State Govern- 
ments thai the existing State survey organisetion, which up to this period, had been 

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