Full text: National reports (Part 3)

Direktoratet for Statens skoger 
(The Crown Forest Administration of Norway) 
The Crown Forest Administration of Norway manages the majority of the 
state forests in Norway. 
The total area of the estates is about 70—75 000 km? or ca. 1/4 of the total 
land area. This area however extendes over large mountain regions and only 
about 21000 km? is located below the timber-line. The productive forest area 
of the Crown forests representents around 15 95 of the forest area in Norway. 
The Crown Forests are divided into approximately 1 100 properties, spread 
out over the whole country. The area of such a unit can vary from a few hec 
tars to 1 000 km? and more. 
The mapping of this area has been going on through several decades. It is 
here to notice that in Norway no large-scale map coverage is established — not 
even on a regionally basis. The Crown Forest Administration then, must at all 
times organize and map its property. Up to about 1950 this work has entirely 
been done by means of terrestric methods, and each estate was mapped as an 
isolated unit. 
The measering methods have consisted in a combination of timber survey 
cruises and thrigonometric measurements. The map scale has usually been 
1/10 000 and 1/5 000. Today about 50 % of the area of the Crown forests are 
covered with maps of satisfactory quality. 
During the last years the mapping procedure has relid on the use of aerial 
photographs, and to some degree it has been done as regulary photogrammetric 
large-scale mapping. The Crown Forest Administration dispose today of 1 Ste- 
reotop IV. Most of the photogrammetric large-scale mapping however, is carried 
out by private firms. 
Today photogrammetric large-scale maps, are completed over an area of 
about 50 km? of the Crown forests. Mapping covering an area of about 200 km? 
is being prepeared. 
It is expected that ordinary mapping of the Crown forests for the future 
primary will be done in connection with regional cooperation based on photo- 
grammetric mapping works. For management and design purposes the Crown 
Forest Administration consider that mapping data, suitable for these purposes, 
are a matter of absolute necessity. It is very important that this material can be 
procured as soon as possible and cover the whole propenty. 
Today this is carried out by use of aerial photographs (contact prints, enlar- 
gements, photoindexes or mosaics). As base material enlargements in a scale ca. 
1/11 000 from photography scale ca. 1/45 000 has been used. This photography 
scale covers today the southern part of Norway. In addition to this there has 
been used available photographs of greater photography scale as suplement. The 
enlargements are divided in standard size 30 x 40 cm. Reproduction is done by 
By means of field reconnaissance the boundary lines of the properties and 
the boundaries of the various forests types marked in this way serves as model 
stands for the later forest type work, done partly by photointerpretation and 
partly by an additional field reconnaissance done by the district personal, Short 
courses in forest photogrammetry are arranged for the district personal. 
Due to the property structure of the Crown forests, the Crown Forest Ad- 
ministration has to cooperate with both private and public institutions in order 
to get photocoverage for all its forests areas. 

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