Full text: Commissions I and II (Part 4)

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transmission des renseignements ainsi que les servocommandes. Une attention spéciale 
est accordée aux différentes manières de résoudre le problème de la réalisation pratique. 
Enfin sont décris les deux appareils utilisant au mieux les avantages de cette nouvelle 
Im vorliegenden Aufsatz sind die Möglichkeiten für den Entwurf photogrammetri- 
scher Auswertegeräte mit Anwendung mathematischer und elektronischer Methoden unter 
einen allgemeinen Gesichtspunkt erörtert, um eine Grundlage für eingehendere Studien zu 
schaffen. Nach einem geschichtlichen Überblick werden einzelne Probleme betreffend 
Berechnungsformeln, Rechenmittel, Datenübertragung, Servosteuerung u.s.w. erläutert. 
Ein besonderes Augenmerk ist auf die Konstruktionsprinzipien gerichtet und schliesslich 
werden zwei Instrumenttypen hervorgehoben, welche die Vorteile der neuen Methoden am 
besten ausnutzen. 
Mr U. V. HELAvA introduces the subject by 
repeating shortly the main points of his invited 
paper. Then he calls on Mr Dennis, as expert 
on the panel dealing with electronic computa- 
tion, to offer his comments. 
Mr DENNIS: I feel some responsibility in this 
matter, because as you have heard from Mr 
Helava's remarks a great many of the problems 
that have been dealt with in other ways in the 
past have been shifted to the computor and now 
great things are expected. 
The concept I would like to leave with you 
today is that of a computor as an element of the 
machine design. The computor portion of this 
analytic plotter is designed as a basic element 
of the overall system; its function is to compute 
the co-ordinates transformations made necessary 
by the photogrammetric geometry. 
The use of a digital computor for these com- 
putations allows great precision. There are 
many examples of computors designed as in- 
tegral machine parts with fixed mathematics. 
Some of these are the navigational computors 
that are used today in aircraft, submarines and 
missiles. These computors are somewhat similar 
in that they have essentially a geometrical prob- 
lem to solve. It should be emphasised that the 
analytical plotter is a geometric problem; it is 
not so much concerned with the dynamics of 
the system, and this sets it apart from the 
regulating type of computors that are so com- 
monly thought of in the field of machine com- 
putation, such as auto-pilots and things of that 
Also, it should be emphasised that the com- 
putor is not really designed to be a general- 
purpose-do-everything computor for book- 
keeping and miscellaneous mathematical prob- 
lems, it is specifically designed for this problem. 
One of the possible solutions to this computation: 
problem is the use of the incremental type of 
computor. The incremental type of computor 
allows the next point to be computed with 
knowledge of the previous points, and thus 
allows great computing efficiency. Inputs to 
such computors are of a pulse nature, that is 
incremental pulses; they are by two-phase type, 
so that the direction of motion can be distin- 
guished. It is necessary to insert fixed constants; 
these can be done through either key-boards or 
dials and instrumental generators. 
Another thing that works well with a com- 
putor of these requirements is the use of a 
magnetic drum, because you have need for a 
fixed programme. It can be optimally pro- 
grammed at the beginning so that the serial 
nature of such computations is very well suited. 
One feature, the flexibility of the digital 
computor allows, is that more than one perma- 
nently recorded programme may be used, and 
solutions may be made using the same computor 
hardware; for example, the relative orientation 
achieved by matrix multiplication may be done, 
and this is done before the computor is used for 
the main programme. Therefore, the same com- 
putors hardware can be used and the results 
stored in proper locations in the memory for the 
execution of the main programme. 
The concept of the AP.1 computor is, there- 
fore, to have a unit as a fixed element of the 
overall machine, of such a design that it fills its 
function in the overal system without the user 
really being aware that the computor is in 
Mr U. V. HELAVA: I would now like to call 
on Dr Deker, an expert on mechanical compu- 
Herr Dr DEKER: Herr Präsident, meine 
Damen und Herren! Der Gedanke, mechani- 

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