Full text: Commissions V, VI and VII (Part 6)

de natio. MEETING HELD ON FRIDAY, 9th SEPTEMBER, 1960 | 4| 
riffe auf. 
und viel. In the Chair: Prof A. BARVIR, President 
hält. An 
men der Discussion on the Bibliography Being Prepared at the ITC 
riffe aus. 
und Sym. ; : : e : : 
Herr Professor BARVIR: Meine Damen und and résumé will be either in English, French or | 
ie Defini Herren. Ich erôffne die 2. Sitzung der Kommis- German.” | 
IC DEITIni- ; : : | 
die V F! gon VI und bitte Herrn Kollegen Corten vom That was the resolution that we passed at | 
| 1€ 0 LS . ^ . Nee .. | 
S La | ITC in Delft um seine Ausführungen über Stockholm. hl 
rachen “qe . 32.5 : | 
T ft At Bibliographie. Zur Erinnerung verlese ich noch | 
cna | ; . : . : ; | 
Hinsi die Resolution, die wir am 8. Kongress in Stock- Mr F. L. CORTEN: Every photogrammetrist | 
Insicht. | oi : ‘ : . . {3 | 
holm verfasst haben unserer Kommission: is faced with two-main questions: first, how to |l 
auch ver- | 
: P Geodetic mapping Geod. Kartierungen Levés 528.74 
ter, oder Boundaries India- Staatsgrenzen Indien- Frontière Indo- 341.222(54) | 
1 1 Pakistar Pakistan Pakistanaises | 
, für die 
h, und so | 
\bfassung Demarcation of the disputed India-Pakistar: boundary in Bengal. 
wohl die J. Roy. Instn. Chart. Surveyors, London, 34, part 11, 1955, p. 958-971, 2 figs. 
n VI sein, | 
1 The paper describes the award of the boundary commission and the background to the disputes | 
rinnerung I together with the nature of the terrain. Air photographywas used to record the alignment of i 
missions- the Ganges on a particular data and maps were produced at & scale of 8 inches to 1 mile. A 
] new chain of primary triangulation, about 70 miles long,'was observed with the aid of Bilby 
gigen Ar towers, and it was broken down by secondary and terüary traverse. Details of other field 
operations, such as the use of radio telephone and telenhone, are briefly mentioned. À hydro- 
[ Sprache graphic survey was necessary and mapping of an area of 750 square miles was carried out by 
Multiplex, the total number of map sheets being 92 on 50 of which the boundary occured. 
VAI wurde Several points of difficulty arcse which nad to be referred back to the respective Governments. 
N . p Tre writer concludes wiih four lessons he had learned from the operations. 
olen eine BIBLIOGRAPHY OF %) brit.soc 
its aufge- 19-958 
'on 1956, 
schwedi- | 
e vorhan- P Geodetic mapping Geod.Kartierungen Leves 528.74 
| : Boundaries India- Staatsgrenzen Indien- Frontiére Indo- 3541.222(54) 
Venn sich Pakistan Pakistan Pakistanaises — | 
ıliesse ich | | 
1 ] ROGERS, R.T.L. 
wir Frei | Demarcation of the disputed India-Pakistan boundary in Bengal. 
e Sitzung | J. Roy. Instn, Chart. Surveyors, London, 54, part 11, 1955, p. 958-971, 2 figs. 
en. | 
The paper described the award of the boundary commission and the background to the disputes 
together with the nature of the terrain. Air photographywas used to record the alignment of 
the Ganges on a particular data and maps were produced at a scale of 8 inches to 1 mile. A 
new chain of primary triangulation, about 70 miles long, was observed with the aid of Bilby 
towers, and it was broken down by secondary and tertiary traverse. Details of other field 
operations, such as the use of radio telephone and telephone, are briefly mentioned. A hydro- n 
graphic survey was necessary ard mapping of an area of 730 square miles was carried out by Id 
Multiplex, the total number of map sheets being 92 on 36 of which the boundary occured. 
Several points of difficulty arose which had to be referred back to the respective Governments. 
The writer concludes with four lessons he had learned from the operations. 
“The Board of Commission VI is requested become informed about the information that | 
to entrust the International Training Centre for exists on any particular subject in photogramme- | 
Aerial Survey (ITC) at Delft with the establish- try, no matter in what year, journal or language i 
ment of a bibliography of photogrammetry in this was published; secondly, how to remain | 
Cooperation with the National Societies. The continuously informed about the flow of articles, | 
bibliography will be organized in accordance books, theses, reports and patents published in 
with the rules set forth by the new Board of some ten or twenty countries in the field of 
Commission VI. The publication of each title aerial survey. The only answer to these ques- 

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