Full text: Commissions V, VI and VII (Part 6)

In the Chair: Lt-Col N. E. GREEN 
Introduction by the President 
We again convene another Commission VII 
session. The session this morning relates to the 
Working Group on urban and rural structural 
interpretation. This Working Group has been 
headed during the past four years by Lt-Col 
N. E. Green. 
Without further ado I would now like to 
turn the Meeting over to Lt-Col Green, who is 
the Chief of a section in the Air Research and 
Development Command of the US Air Force at 
Cambridge, Massachusetts. As most of you 
know, he has been the author of several papers 
on the use of photo interpretation in urban 
studies and has contributed considerably there- 
fore to this very new and very interesting field. 
I will ask Lt-Col Green to take the Chair. 
Introduction by the Chairman, Lt-Col Green 
I think everyone understands what a very 
broad field is encompassed by the title of Work- 
ing Group 5, "Interpretation of Urban, Rural 
and Industrial Structures". This is indeed a very 
broad coverage and I feel sure that it has not 
by any means been possible to bring to the 
attention of the Congress all the very important 
work which has been done in this large area of 
photo interpretation during the past four years. 
However, we have made a sincere attempt to 
report on a series of representative studies, 
which I think indicate some of the newer trends 
in urban area analysis. 
Because in a large part we are not reporting 
on a great deal of work that is being done con- 
tinuously in detailed urban mapping work, this 
probably represents the large bulk of photo in- 
terpretation and photogrammetric work which 
is being done in the field which you might call 
urban area analysis. During this hour I would, 
first, like to present a brief summary of the 
activities of this Working Group; afterwards I 
would like Dr Dubuisson to present his invited 
paper and then I would like to invite questions 
from the floor, following this — if there is time — 
we may present abstracts of two additional 
papers. This afternoon at 13.30 in room 381 at 
the Institute of Education we will have the 
opportunity to meet for additional discussion 
and at that time I hope some of you who have 
been doing work on urban aerial analysis photo 
interpretation will join us. I am sorry that some 
of our other members of this Working Group 
were unable to come, namely, Dr Went, Captain 
Monier and Mr Burger, a colleague of Dr 
I would like now to present a brief summary 
of some of the conclusions that Working Group 
5 has reached regarding the general state of 
Archives 6 
affairs in urban area analysis photo interpreta- 
tion. During the four year period between Con- 
gresses, Working Group 5 has attempted to 
determine and report on new developments and 
new applications in this broad area of urban, 
rural and industrial photo interpretation. In- 
formation from several sources indicates that 
there are indeed many important activities and 
projects of special interest to this Group. 
Replies were not received from all contacts, and 
we have not had as much information as we had 
desired from the national reporters. 
Nevertheless, we did receive a considerable 
amount of information, and it has become quite 
evident that there is an increasing interest in 
urban, rural and industrial photo interpretation. 
In addition, the Working Group has reports on 
several projects which clearly indicate a new 
trend in the application of this field of photo 
interpretation. We decided that rather than 
make a random selection from a fairly large 
number of worthy projects, it might be of 
greater interest to report on a limited few where 
certain specific innovations or technical devel- 
opments could be highlighted. At the present 
time, we have listed three formal papers; also 
some discussion time is being reserved, as I have 
previously indicated, and we would hope that 
during the discussion time we may be able to 
receive at least informal reports on additional 
For one thing I think it would be quite desir- 
able if we could discuss and consider the use of 
photo interpretation studies in urban market 
analysis and urban consumer research. There 
have been, as many of you may know, some 
interesting developments in this field of market 
analysis. As another example I think it would be 
interesting for us to add more information and 

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