Full text: Photogrammetric and remote sensing systems for data processing and analysis

Two of the eight Working Group II/1 objectives: 
o analytical instruments for new applications 
o analytical monoplotting systems, 
involve disseminating information through publications rath- 
er than producing a specific document. Each of the other six 
objectives do involve an end product. 
Testi ro 
A subworking group, Leslie Perry, Chairman, is compiling 
a manual of papers for testing the accuracy of various 
analytical instruments. These procedures should be useful 
for acceptance tests in procurements as well as for periodic 
accuracy checks during production. Hopefully, a standard 
testing procedure will emerge. 
o a ica otter E 
The 1976-80 Working Group II/1, under Dr. Branko Makaro- 
vic, compiled a guide for those procuring analytical stereo- 
plotters. Such a procurement is a substantial investment and 
impacts all segments of an organization -- management, 
schedulers, accountants, supervisors, and production and 
quality monitors -- and all of these segments need their 
input in the evaluation and procurement process. Therefore, 
some considerations are of a nontechnical nature. 
The evaluation guide procedures yield a numeric rating 
for each instrument considered. The repetitive evaluation 
process progressively eliminates the least-suited instru- 
ments until a definite preference emerges. 
The guide could become obsolete over the years unless it 
is updated by succeeding working groups. During the 1980-84 
tenure of the Working Group under Chairman Lawrence W. 
Fritz, an update was not needed, and instead, an introduc- 
tion to the guide was prepared to help the nontechnical 
members of organizations. A subworking group has been 
organized to review both the evaluation guide and the 
introduction for possible update and revision. 
Consumers probably appreciate standardization more than 
manufacturers and suffer more where standardization is 
lacking. In everyday life we are often inconvenienced by the 
lack of standardization in telephone plugs, various types of 
video appliances, their auxiliary attachments, and connector 
wires. Special interfacing adapters are needed to connect 
one device to another where different manufacturers are in- 
volved. Although there is often a need to deviate from stan- 
dards because of technological advances and other factors, 
standardization usually makes life easier.

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