Full text: Abstracts (c)

Honorary Chairman 
José Israel Vargas 
Honorary Committee 
e Marcio Nogueira Barbosa 
Adail Carlos Pereira 
Shunji Murai 
Fernando de Araájo C. Amadeo 
Gloria Cecilia Bamey 
Fernando Peregrino 
Luiz Gylvan Meira Filho 
José Roberto Marinho 
Lawrence W. Fritz 
Luiz Alberto Vieira Dias 
N. Jasentuliyana 
U. R. Rao 
Executive Committee 
e Roberto Pereira da Cunha 
Ana Maria Coutinho 
Alvaro Crósta 
Joäo Roberto dos Santos 
José Luiz de Barros Aguirre 
Thelma Krug 
Monica Aparecida de Oliveira 
Event Infrastructure 
» Célia Regina Tavares da Silva 
Ana Cristina Nascimento 
Cleonice Aparecida Orlandele 
Jodo Avila 
Lígia Fróes Abraháo 
Minister of Science and Technology (Brazil) 
Director of INPE 
President of FUNCATE 
President of ISPRS 
President of SBC 
President of SELPER 
President of FAPESP 
President of Brazilian Space Agency 
President of Acqua Institute 
ISPRS/Secretary General 
INPE/Coordinator for Earth Observation 
Office of Outer Space Affairs - United Nations 
Indian Space Research Organization 
President of ISPRS Commission VII - Chairman ECO-RIO'94 
SELPER Brazil 
INPE/ISPRS Secretary 
Marina Moura 
Neide Renó Cavalcanti 
Sandra Regina de Paula 
Terezinha dos Santos Botelho 
Maria D'Arc da Silva (Journalist) 
Desktop Publishing, Graphic Arts and Photography 
e Carlos Alberto Vieira 
Celso Luiz de Faria 
Helofsa Muniz Garcia 
Planning and Administration 
* Maria Etelvina Renó Dias Arbex 
Evandro de Almeida Puccini 
Technical Exhibition 
* Paulo C. Gurgel de Albuquerque 
Paulo Roberto Saloni 
José Dominguez Sanz 
Lourdes Beatriz Fontenelle 

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