Full text: Proceedings and results (Part A)

2000 _ imo 
IU), to analyze and interpret multi- ^ Institut de Recherche pour le radar mapping 
spectral, multi-sensor imagery Développement - Geometric relationships in pro- 
- Exploration of the potential of (ex. ORSTOM) cessing and interpreting SAR data 
scale space theory for multi-spec- ^ Route de Montabo - BP 165 - Quality control aspects of radar 
tral and hyper-spectral imagery; F-97323 Cayenne, Cedex images and derived products, 
extending the theory by includ- FRENCH GUYANA such as radar maps and DTMs 
ing the spectrum Tel. +594-29-92-81 
- Combination of Modelling efforts Fax +594-31-98-55 
of real world objects in GIS, digital E-mail: polidori@cayenne.ird.fr 
photogrammetry and computer 
vision Co-Chair: 
- Investigation of the possibility of Soren Madsen 
constraining the 3D image under- Electromagnetics Institute 
standing and object recognition ^ Technical University Denmark 
problem by GIS information, in — DK-2800 Lyngby 
co-operation with IC WG IV/II.2 DENMARK 
and WG VII/4 Tel: +45-25-3846 
Fax:  +45-93-1634 
WG 11/6 E-mail: sam@emi.dtu.dk 
Theory and Algorithms for SAR 
Laurent Polidori 
Laboratoire Régional de Télédétec- 
WG IIl/6 - Terms of Reference 
- Theory and algorithms for SAR, 
particularly for interferometry and 
feature extraction 
- Establishment of state-of-the-art 
Commission IV - Mapping and Geographic Information Systems 
Dieter Fritsch 
Institute of Photogrammetry 
University of Stuttgart 
Keplerstrasse 11 
D-70174 Stuttgart 
Tel: +49-711-121-3386 
Fax:  +49-711-121-3297 
E-mail: Dieter.Fritsch@ifp.uni- 
Technical Secretary: 
Monika Sester 
Institute of Photogrammetry 
University of Stuttgart 
Keplerstrasse 11 
D-70174 Stuttgart 
Fax: | 449-711-121-3297 
Tel. +49-711-121-3384 
E-mail: Monika.Sester@ifp.uni- 
Administrative Secretary: 
Markus Englich 
Institute of Photogrammetry 
University of Stuttgart 
Tel. +49-711-121-3385 
Fax: | -49-711-121-3297 
E-mail: Markus.Englich@ifp.uni- 
Commission IV -Terms of Reference 
- Analogue and digital mapping 
procedures and products 
- Revision of topographic maps 
and map databases 
- Data acquisition, data processing, 
analysis of data and visual repre- 
sentation in GIS 
- Application of GIS to land-related 
record management (e.g. multi- 
purpose cadastre and utility map- 
ping) and decision-making tasks 
- Radar and planetary mapping 
- Digital terrain models 
- Conceptual and logical spatial 
data modelling for storage and 
retrieval in spatial data bases 
Inter-Commission (IC) WG IV/III.1 
GIS Fundamentals and Spatial Data 
Martien Molenaar 
International Institute for 
Aerospace and Earth Sciences 
Hengelosestraat, PO. BOX 6 
7500 AA Enschede 
The Netherlands 
Tel: +31-53-4874-444 
Fax:  +31-53-4874-335 
E-mail: molenaar@ITC.NL 
Y.C Lee 
Department of Land Surveying 
and Informatics 
The Hong Kong Polytechnic 
Hung Hom, Kowloon, 
Tel: +852-2766-5968 
Fax:  +852-2330-2994 
E-mail: Isyclee@polyu.edu.hk 
IC WG IV/III.1 - Terms of Reference 
- Conceptual GIS data modelling 
with regard to vector, raster and 
attribute data structures, includ- 
ing 3D aspects 
- Multiscale representations of spa- 
tial data to investigate aggrega- 
tion and generalisation tech- 
- Integration of uncertainty meas- 
ures in spatial data structures 
- Investigation of kinematic and 
dynamic spatial data structures to 
manage spatio-temporal phe- 
nomena in GIS 
- Development of hybrid data struc- 
tures to integrate vector data, 
raster data and imagery of all 
International Archives of Photogrammerty and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXIII, Part A. Amsterdam 2000.

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