Full text: Proceedings and results (Part A)

Congress or Symposium). The fully reviewed papers 
shall be appropriately marked and compiled sepa- 
rately in the Archives volume. The review process 
may be carried out ‘open’ or ‘blind’ (name of the 
author removed from the reviewer's copy) by at least 
two reviewers, the names of whom will be unknown 
to the authors. The 'editors' of the volume will be 
those people responsible for the supervision of the 
review process. A full list of all reviewers may also be 
included in the Archives volume. 
1. Review of Workshop/Tutorial Proceedings 
To be eligible for publication as a volume in the Archives, 
ISPRS sponsored Workshop or Tutorial proceedings shall 
be peer-reviewed. The review panel must be approved by 
Council, and shall be the relevant TCP and the Chairs/Co- 
Chairs responsible for the volume, or independent reviewers 
selected by Council. The volume shall be identified and 
appropriately marked as having been peer reviewed and the 
names of the review panel shall be displayed as 'editors'. 
There are two recommended options for this review process. 
a. A review of each individual paper 
Each individual full paper, or an extended abstract of 
each paper must be reviewed by the review panel, 
and accepted on the basis of relevance of the paper 
to the work of the Commission, quality of the subject 
matter, and the suitability of the subject matter of the 
paper for the theme of the Workshop/Tutorial. If a full 
review process is to be carried out, it shall be based 
on Section 13 of these guidelines. Papers not meet- 
ing review quality standards shall not be published 
as an Archives volume. 
a. A review process of the volume as a whole. (This 
procedure is more likely to be applicable to Tutori- 
als. The whole volume must be reviewed and 
accepted by the review panel on the basis of its rel- 
evance to the work of the Commission, and quality 
of the subject matter. 
Guidelines for Authors Preparing Manuscripts for ISPRS Congresses 
and Symposia 
These mandatory guidelines are provided for preparation 
of papers for inclusion in Volumes of The International 
Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing for the 
ISPRS Congresses and Symposia, and other ISPRS spon- 
sored meetings. Your cooperation in adhering to these 
guidelines is greatly appreciated by the host organizing 
committee of the meeting. 
The International Archives for Photogrammetry Remote 
Sensing, published for ISPRS Congresses and Symposia, 
and other ISPRS sponsored meetings, will be produced 
either on CDROM or printed in hardcopy on paper, according 
to the requirements of the meeting organizing committee, 
and distributed to registrants at the meetings. All papers 
accepted by the meeting organisers will be published provid- 
ed they arrive by the due date and they satisfy these guide- 
lines and the instructions which will be given in the authors kit 
for the meeting. Reproduction is made directly from author- 
prepared manuscripts, in electronic or hardcopy form, in A4 
paper size 297mm x 210mm (11.69 x 8.27 inches). 
To assure timely and efficient production of the Archives 
with a consistent and easy to read format, authors must 
submit their manuscripts in strict conformance with these 
guidelines. The Society may omit any paper that does not 
conform with the specified requirements. The instructions 
following have been prepared in the form that is interna- 
tionally agreed on for volumes of the Archives. There will 
be no opportunity for corrections or improvements of 
poorly prepared originals. 
1. Manuscript 
1.1 Typing and Styleguides 
All papers should be sent to the meeting organisers in dig- 
International Archives of Photogrammerty and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXIII, Part A. Amsterdam 2000. - 
ital form. However, if in exceptional circumstances, the 
paper cannot be prepared digitally, it must be prepared on 
paper according to these guidelines, and sent to the 
organisers for scanning. 
The paper must be compiled in one column, single spacing. 
Upper margin shall be 25 mm and lower margin shall be 25 
mm, with left and right margins of 20 mm. Left and right jus- 
tified typing is preferred. Each page shall have a header 
conforming with the styleguides, provided on the Archives 
page of the ISPRS Home Page (www. ISPRS.org). 
1.2 Preparation in Electronic Form 
Styleguides for preparing digital versions of papers are 
provided in Word and/or LaTeX on the Archives page on 
the ISPRS Home Page (www.ISPRS.org), to assist authors 
in preparing their papers. Examples of papers in different 
file formats are available. The size of the paper should not 
be more than 5 Mb, in PDF format. 
1.3 Hardcopy Preparation 
If the paper is transmitted to the meeting organisers in 
hardcopy version only, it must conform in appearance to 
the style guides for electronic versions of papers. Each 
page must be output on a high quality computer printer. 
Avoid dot-matrix printer, but if you have no better 
choice, please make sure to set it for near-letter quality, 
so that the dots overlap. Simple dot-matrix printing, 
where the dots are separated from one another, does not 
reproduce in an acceptable fashion. Write the author's 
last name and the page number on the back of each 
page. Do not type the page number on the manuscript 
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