Full text: Proceedings and results (Part A)

1952 - 1956 
l. Photography & Navigation - J. Cruset, France 
ll. Plotting, Theory and Instruments - W. K. Bachmann, 
Ill. Aerial Triangulation - P. Wiser, Belgium 
IV. Mapping from Photographs - G. S. Andrews, Canada 
V.  Non-Topographic Photogrammetry - G. Boaga, Italy 
Education, Terminology, Bibliography - K. Neumaier, 
VII. Photo Interpretation - C. G. Coleman, USA 
1956 - 1960 
l. Photography and Navigation - J. Cruset, France 
Il. Plotting, Theory and Instruments - F. Vanderheyden, 
Ill. Aerial Triangulation - G. Cassinis, Italy 
IV. Mapping from Photographs - H. Hárry, Switzerland 
V. Special Applications of Photogrammetry - R. 
Burkhardt, F.R. Germany 
VI. Education, Terminology and Bibliography - A. Barvir, 
VII. Photo Interpretation - C. G. Coleman, USA 
1960 - 1964 
|, Photography and Navigation - G. C. Brock, Great 
Il. Plotting, Theory and Instruments - A. L. Nowicki, 
Ill. Aerial Triangulation - G. de Masson d'Autume, France 
IV. Mapping from Photographs - E. F. Gigas, F.R. Ger- 
V. Special Applications of Photogrammetry - K. Hubeny, 
VI. Education, Terminology and Bibliography - R. S. 
Halonen, Finland 
VII. Photo Interpretation - L. U. Sitter, The Netherlands 
1964 - 1968 
|. Photography and Navigation - R. W. Fish, Great Britain 
I. Theory, Methods, Instruments of Restitution - K. 
Schwidefsky, F.R. Germany 
Ill. Aerial Triangulation - G. C. Tewinkel, USA 
IV. Mapping from Photographs - L. Skladal, Czechoslo- 
V.  Non-Topographic Photogrammetry - T. Maruyasu, 
VI. Education, Terminology and Bibliography - W. 
Sztompke, Poland 
VII. Photo Interpretation - R. Chevallier, France 
1968 - 1972 
I. | Aerial Photography and Navigation - M. B. Scher, 
Il. Plotting Theory, Methods and Instruments - H. Deker, 
FR. Germany 
lll. Aerial Triangulation - E. Thompson, Great Britain 
IV. Application of Photogrammetry to the Earth Surface 
Representation - A. J. van der Weele, The Nether- 
V. Special Applications of Photogrammetry - M. Car- 
bonnell, France 
VI. Bibliography, Teaching, 
Photo Interpretation - A. Reinhold, German D.R. 
Terminology - P. Gal, 
International Archives of Photogrammerty and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXIII, Part A. Amsterdam 2000. 
1972 - 1976 
Primary Data Acquisition - E. Welander, Sweden 
Instrumentation for Data Reduction - G. Inghilleri, 
Il. | Mathematical Analysis of Data - F. Ackermann, FR. 
IV. Topographic and Cartographic Applications - G. 
Ducher, France 
V.  Non-topographic Photogrammetry - H. M. Karara, 
VI. Economic, Professional and Educational Aspects of 
Photogrammetry - W. Sztompke, Poland 
VII. Interpretation of Data - L. Sayn-Wittgenstein, Canada 
1976 - 1980 
I. Primary Data Acquisition - |. Nakajima, Japan 
ll. Instrumentation for Data Reduction - M. Baussart, 
Il. Mathematical Analysis of Data - |. Antipov, USSR 
IV. Topographic and Cartographic Applications - J. M. 
Zarzycki, Canada 
V.  Non-Topographic Photogrammetry - K. Torlegárd, 
VI. Economic, Professional and Educational Aspects of 
Photogrammetry - Z. Sitek, Poland 
VII. Interpretation of Data - G. Hildebrandt, FR. Germany 
1980 - 1984 
l. Primary Data Acquisition - J. C. Trinder, Australia 
Il. Instrumentation for Data Reduction - Z. Jaksic, 
Il. Mathematical Analysis of Data - E. Kilpela, Finland 
IV. Topographic and Cartographic Applications - R. 
Mullen, USA 
V.  Non-Topographic Photogrammetry - J. W. Gates, 
United Kingdom 
VI. Economic, Professional and Educational Aspects of 
Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing - J. Hothmer, 
FR. Germany 
VII. Interpretation of Data - L. Laidet, France 
1984 - 1988 
l. Primary Data Acquisition - P. Hartl, Germany 
ll. |. Instrumentation for Data Reduction and Analysis - L. 
W. Fritz, USA 
lll. | Mathematical Analysis of Data - E. Kilpelä, Finland 
IV. Cartographic and Data Bank Applications of Pho- 
togrammetry and Remote Sensing - A. MacDonald, 
United Kingdom 
V. Other Non-Cartographic Applications of Photogram- 
metry and Remote Sensing - V. Kratky, Canada 
VI. Economic, Professional and Educational Aspects of 
Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing - Mrs. O. 
Adekoya, Nigeria 
VII. Interpretation of Photographic and Remote Sensing 
Data - K. J. Beek, The Netherlands 

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