Full text: Resource and environmental monitoring (A)

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IAPRS & SIS, Vol.34, Part 7, “Resource and Environmental Monitoring”, Hyderabad, India,2002 
A. Senthil Kumar **, D. K. Jain”, S. Chowdhury? and K.L. Majumder” 
* Data Processing Area, National Remote Sensing Agency, Hyderabad 500037 — senthilkumar_a@nrsa. gov.in 
? Signal and Image Processing Group, Space Applications Centre, Ahmedabad 380015 — {dinesh,klm,santanu} @ipdpg.gov.in 
Commission VII, WG VII/4 
KEY WORDS: High spatial resolution imagery, Image browsing, Gabor wavelet, Object identification. 
Due to high information cluttering, browsing an urban scene data from high-spatial resolution satellites for a specific object of 
interest becomes quite cumbersome. À content-based browsing (CBB) method is proposed to circumvent this problem in this paper. 
The proposed method consists of two major steps. The first step makes a coarse search of plausible regions in a given image 
containing the object signature. A histogram intersection method is employed here for comparing histograms of the query object (in 
memory) and of the search window in the given image. In the second step, feature vectors derived by using the Gabor wavelet 
transform of the query object and search window data are compared. The performance of these feature vectors is also studied for 
recognizing the object irrespective of rotation, scale, and gray level variations. The proposed method has been applied over the 
IKONOS Panchromatic (spatial resolution — 1 m.) and over the /RS-1D Panchromatic (5 m.) satellite data, and found to be working 
quite satisfactorily. 
In this paper, we address the problem of identifying objects 
from satellite imagery of high spatial resolution (HSR). This 
work assumes much relevance from viewpoint of recent 
launches of several satellites with spatial resolutions ranging 
from 5 meters to less than 1 meter. Due to high information 
cluttering typical of the HSR data especially over urban areas, it 
is found extremely difficult to locate an object of interest. It is 
generally observed that it takes painfully long time for visual 
browsing these imagery for the objects unless their geometric 
locations are unknown a priori. 
There have been many methods proposed in the related area of 
automatic object recognition, but these are largely restricted to 
night vision systems employing infrared cameras [1,2]. In the 
infrared, targets such as%anks, trucks, ships etc. have strongly 
different signature as compared to background, and are, thus, 
less congested to identify. In contrast, the objects in the visible 
HSR imagery are highly congested with background of similar 
reflectance, thus making the visual identification quite difficult. 
Recently, Manjunath and Ma [3] suggested the use of Gabor 
filters for fast browsing of HSR air-borne imagery. The Gabor 
filters are tolerant to distortions to a great extent between the 
query object (in memory) and the test object to be recognized 
from the given image. These distortions are typical of the HSR 
satellite imagery due to high orbital maneuvering and 
calibration differences of sensors from pre-flight 
In this paper, we describe a fast content based browsing (CBB) 
scheme by combining a histogram-based search method 
followed by the Gabor wavelet transform method. The 
proposed approach is discussed in detail in Sec 2. In Sec.3, we 
describe results of our work with an /RS-1D Panchromatic data 
and with an IKONOS imagery with spatial resolution of 1 meter. 
Finally, our conclusions are given in Sec. 4. 
The scheme proposed here for the HSR satellite data is as 
shown in Fig. 1. It basically consists of two modules, one 
making a fast search for quickly providing regions in the image 
which may possibly contain the object under search, and the 
other analyzing these regions with Gabor wavelet features for 
distortion invariant identification. The first search-level, 
labeled in Fig.1 as SL-1, involves noise filtering followed by a 
histogram matching based image segmentation step. 
HSR image 
4 data 
Image Partitioning 
| Search windows 
Background SL-1 
Selected Vv SL-2 
wi ndo wa 
Gabor feature 
Merging over- « 
lapped patches 
Object dra windows 
Fig. 1. Proposed method for the HSR image browsing. 

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